I don't want my application to have any unneeded dependencies, log4net being one such dependency. As such, are there any thin third-party libraries or will I need to write my own?

Also, for those of you who need to have the "Why?" question answered, it comes down to the fact that I find 100k of binary code to conditionally write a single line of text to a file (my use case) to be a bit on the excessive side.


1 回答 1


我不确定第三方产品,但您可以使用原始 HTTP REST API。

https://developers.google.com/adsense/host/v4.1/(这是用于 AdSense Host API)

Google 的文档倾向于隐藏它,并且他们不鼓励在许多地方使用它,主要是出于他们声称的安全原因(使用 JSON Web 令牌容易出错)。

于 2015-08-13T09:13:54.107 回答