I've seen people doing this but following their steps I'm not managing to get it working.

I made my gear WildFly Application Server 8.2.0.Final. Then I uploaded the jar and resources using WinSCP and run the jar via ssh. -> java -jar server.jar

Then, the output is the one that I was expecting: the ignited sparkjava server (yes, I'm using spark) on port 8081 and the Ip the one that is retrieved using "env | grep IP" command.

Then I try to get into my app via client: http://fooname.rhcloud.com:8081/home.html

And nothing happens. After some seconds, a timeout is displayed by the browser.

Any idea? I'm pretty sure I'm missing a "stupid" step but I haven't seen which one.

Thanks in advance


1 回答 1


您只能在 OpenShift 应用程序上从外部访问这些端口 (80/443/8000/8443)。如果你想运行 spark,我建议你使用一个 DIY 设备,然后让它监听 8080 端口,这样它就可以被外部访问。您可以查看开发人员门户的此部分以获取有关端口和路由的更多信息:https ://developers.openshift.com/en/managing-port-binding-routing.html

于 2015-08-10T19:06:31.040 回答