在 WPF UI 中,我有通过贝塞尔路径连接的节点,如下所示:
编辑: Mart 使用 StreamGeometry 的解决方案以指数方式加速它;该功能远未接近瓶颈。一点反射表明 PathGeometry 在内部使用 StreamGeometry,每次更改任何依赖属性时,都会重新计算 StreamGeometry。所以这种方式只是切断了中间人。最终结果是:
private void onRouteChanged()
Point src = Source;
Point dst = Destination;
if (!src.X.isValid() || !src.Y.isValid() || !dst.X.isValid() || !dst.Y.isValid())
_shouldDraw = false;
* The control points are all laid out along midpoint lines, something like this:
* --------------------------------
* | | | |
* | SRC | CP1 | |
* | | | |
* --------------------------------
* | | | |
* | | MID | |
* | | | |
* -------------------------------
* | | | |
* | | CP2 | DST |
* | | | |
* --------------------------------
* This causes it to be horizontal at the endpoints and vertical
* at the midpoint.
double mx = (src.X + dst.X) / 2;
double my = (src.Y + dst.Y) / 2;
Point mid = new Point(mx, my);
Point cp1 = new Point(mx, src.Y);
Point cp2 = new Point(mx, dst.Y);
_shouldDraw = true;
using(StreamGeometryContext ctx = _geometry.Open())
ctx.BeginFigure(src, false, false);
ctx.QuadraticBezierTo(cp1, mid, true, false);
ctx.QuadraticBezierTo(cp2, dst, true, false);