我有时使用大括号来隔离代码块,以避免以后错误地使用变量。例如,当我SqlCommand在同一个方法中放置多个 s 时,我经常复制粘贴代码块,最后混合名称并执行两次某些命令。添加大括号有助于避免这种情况,因为SqlCommand在错误的地方使用错误会导致错误。这是一个插图:

Collection<string> existingCategories = new Collection<string>();

// Here a beginning of a block
    SqlCommand getCategories = new SqlCommand("select Title from Movie.Category where SourceId = @sourceId", sqlConnection, sqlTransaction);
    getCategories.Parameters.AddWithValue("@sourceId", sourceId);
    using (SqlDataReader categoriesReader = getCategories.ExecuteReader(System.Data.CommandBehavior.SingleResult))
        while (categoriesReader.Read())

if (!existingCategories.Contains(newCategory))
    SqlCommand addCategory = new SqlCommand("insert into Movie.Category (SourceId, Title) values (@sourceId, @title)", sqlConnection, sqlTransaction);

    // Now try to make a mistake and write/copy-paste getCategories instead of addCategory. It will not compile.
    addCategory.Parameters.AddWithValue("@sourceId", sourceId);
    addCategory.Parameters.AddWithValue("@title", newCategory);

现在,StyleCop 会在每次块跟随空行时显示警告。另一方面,不放空行会使代码更难理解。

// Something like:
Collection<string> existingCategories = new Collection<string>();
    // Code here

// can be understood as (is it easy to notice that semicolon is missing?):
Collection<string> existingCategories = new Collection<string>()
    // Code here


  1. 仅出于可变范围的目的使用大括号创建代码块有什么问题吗?

  2. If it's all right, how to make it more readable without violating StyleCop rules?


5 回答 5


There's nothing wrong per se with blocking off code, but you need to consider why you're doing it.

If you're copying and pasting code, you're likely in a situation where you should be refactoring the code and producing functions that you call repeatedly rather than executing similar but different blocks of code repeatedly.

于 2010-07-06T19:04:09.833 回答

Use the using statement instead of bare brace blocks.

This will avoid the warnings, and also make your code more efficient in terms of resources.

From a larger perspective, you should consider splitting up this method into smaller methods. Using one SqlCommand followed by another is usually better done by calling one method followed by another. Each method would then use their own local SqlCommand.

于 2010-07-06T19:03:54.030 回答

I don't think there's anything wrong with using braces purely to delimit scope - it can be quite useful at times.

Case in point - I came across a profiling library once that used Profile objects to time sections of code. These worked by measuring the time from their creation to destruction, and therefore worked best by being created on the stack and then being destroyed when they went out of scope, thus measuring the time spent in that particular scope. If you wanted to time something that didn't inherently have its own scope, then adding extra braces to define that scope was probably the best way to go.

As for readability, I can understand why StyleCop doesn't like it, but anyone with any experience in C/C++/Java/C#/... knows that a brace pair defines a scope, and it should be fairly evident that that's what you're trying to do.

于 2010-07-06T20:16:53.580 回答

I think such blocks is good idea, I'm using their often. It is useful when you need to separate blocks of code that are too small to be extracted into method, or when method consists of few code blocks looks like each other, but not with the same logic. It allows to give variables the same names without naming conflicts, and this makes method body more readable.

By the way, my opinion StyleCop has default rule set with more rules which expediency is debatable.

于 2010-07-06T19:10:07.430 回答

I'd have to say if I were to work on this code after you I'd be a little offput by your use of scope. Its not, afaik, common practice.

I'd consider it a smell that you'd be doing this. I would think the better practice would be to break off each scope into its own method with fully descriptive names and documentation.

于 2010-07-06T19:10:48.050 回答