我也在寻找这个问题的答案。我最终删除了所有 autopostback=true 并使用 JavaScript 执行所有操作,和你一样。
然而,在 JavaScript 之前我尝试过的事情之一是在回发后保持控制焦点。我注意到我用来存储具有最后一个焦点的控件名称的隐藏字段 DID 具有搜索按钮的名称(我的是一个保存按钮)。所以,虽然我仍然不确定如何让“搜索”功能像它应该的那样“自动”触发,这基本上是将文本框和按钮的回发事件一个接一个地链接在一起,我可以知道用户在回发发生(或试图)之前单击了该保存按钮。
因此,您在回发中所拥有的是您的文本框事件触发,然后是 Page_Load 方法,或者您想要使用的任何页面循环方法,您可以在其中查看最后一个具有焦点的控件是什么。有了这个,您可以通过多种方式来解决问题。
顺便说一句,您可以在从控件自动回发触发的每个事件中添加代码,例如文本框和搜索按钮,以检查焦点控件的名称。如果最后获得焦点的控件不是我们正在运行的控件的自动回发函数,我们可以将名为“Run_Controls_Method”的页面级布尔值设置为 TRUE,否则,将其设置为 false。这样我们就知道我们应该运行具有最后一个焦点回发方法的控件。
if (Run_Controls_Method && hdfFocusControl.Value != "")
case "btnSearch":
btnSearch_OnClick(null, null);
case etc.
我实现 hdfHasFocus 的方式是:
<input id="hdfHasFocus" runat="server" type="hidden" />
后面的 HTML 代码:
protected void Page_PreRender(object sender,EventArgs e)
if (IsPostBack != true)
//Add the OnFocus event to all appropriate controls on the panel1 panel.
//other code...
ControlManager.cs 相关代码:
/// <summary>
/// Adds the onfocus event to the UI controls on the controls in the passed in control list.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="controls">The list of controls to apply this event.</param>
/// <param name="saveControl">The control whose .value will be set to the control.ID of the control which had focus before postback.</param>
/// <param name="Recurse">Should this method apply onfocus recursively to all child controls?</param>
public static void AddOnFocus(ControlCollection controls, Control saveControl, bool Recurse)
foreach (Control control in controls)
//To make the .Add a bit easier to see/read.
string action = "";
//Only apply this change to valid control types.
if ((control is Button) ||
(control is DropDownList) ||
(control is ListBox) ||
(control is TextBox) ||
(control is RadDateInput) ||
(control is RadDatePicker) ||
(control is RadNumericTextBox))
//This version ignores errors. This results in a 'worse case' scenario of having the hdfHasFocus field not getting a
// value but also avoids bothering the user with an error. So the user would call with a tweak request instead of
// and error complaint.
action = "try{document.getElementById(\"" + saveControl.ClientID + "\").value=\"" + control.ClientID + "\"} catch(e) {}";
//Now, add the 'onfocus' attribute and the built action string.
(control as WebControl).Attributes.Add("onfocus", action);
//The 'onfocus' event doesn't seem to work for checkbox...use below.
if (control is CheckBox)
//This version ignores errors. This results in a 'worse case' scenario of having the hdfHasFocus field not getting a
// value but also avoids bothering the user with an error. So the user would call with a tweak request instead of
// and error complaint.
action = "try{document.getElementById(\"" + saveControl.ClientID + "\").value=\"" + control.ClientID + "\"} catch(e) {}";
//In case there is already an attribute here for 'onclick' then we will simply try to add to it.
action = action + (control as WebControl).Attributes["onclick"];
//Now, add the event attribute and the built action string.
(control as WebControl).Attributes.Add("onclick", action);
//You don't seem to be able to easily work the calendar button wiht the keyboard, and it seems made for
// mouse interaction, so lets set the tab index to -1 to avoid focus with tab.
if (control is CalendarPopupButton)
(control as WebControl).Attributes.Add("tabindex", "-1");
//We also want to avoid user tab to the up and down spinner buttons on any RadNumericTextBox controls.
if (control is RadNumericTextBox)
(control as RadNumericTextBox).ButtonDownContainer.Attributes.Add("tabindex", "-1");
(control as RadNumericTextBox).ButtonUpContainer.Attributes.Add("tabindex", "-1");
//Recursively call this method if the control in question has children controls and we are told to recurse.
if ((Recurse) && (control.HasControls()))
AddOnFocus(control.Controls, saveControl, Recurse);
/// <summary>
/// Searches the ControlCollection passed in for a match on the ID name string passed in and sets focus on that control if it is found.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="controls">The collection of controls to search.</param>
/// <param name="FocusToID">The ID of the control to set focus on.</param>
/// <param name="recurse">Recursively search sub-controls in the passed in control collection?</param>
/// <returns>True means keep processing the control list. False means stop processing the control list.</returns>
public static bool SetFocus(ControlCollection controls, string FocusToID, bool recurse)
//Return if no control ID to work with.
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(FocusToID) == true)
{ return false; }
//If we get here and don't have controls, return and continue the other controls if applicable.
if (controls.Count <= 0)
{ return true; }
foreach (Control control in controls)
//If this is the control we need AND it is Enabled, set focus on it.
if (((control is GridTableRow) != true) && //GridTableRow.ClientID throws an error. We don't set focus on a 'Row' anyway.
(control.ClientID == FocusToID) &&
((control as WebControl).Enabled))
//return to caller. If we were recursing then we can stop now.
return false;
//Otherwise, see if this control has children controls to process, if we are told to recurse.
if ((recurse) && (control.HasControls()))
bool _continue = SetFocus(control.Controls, FocusToID, recurse);
//If the recursive call sends back false, that means stop.
if (_continue != true)
{ return _continue; }
//We are done processing all the controls in the list we were given...
// If we get here, then return True to the caller. If this was a recursive call, then
// the SetFocus in the call stack above will be told to continue looking since we
// didn't find the control in question in the list we were given.
return true;