我想从 Haskell 中的可能图片中提取每个 RGB 值。


我已经用 Juicy Pixels 库得到了一些结果,但不知何故我总是得到例外:

*** Exception: ./Data/Vector/Generic.hs:249 ((!)): index out of bounds (660000,660000)


{-# LANGUAGE TypeSynonymInstances #-}

module Main where

import Codec.Picture         (readImage, pixelAt, PixelRGB8(..))
import Codec.Picture.Types
import System.FilePath.Posix (splitExtension)

toRGBRaw :: FilePath -> IO ()
toRGBRaw fp = do
    image <- readImage fp
    case image of
      Left _ -> putStrLn $ "Sorry, not a supported codec for " ++ fp
      Right dynimg -> do
        let imgrgba8 = fromDynamicImage dynimg
        let (name, _) = splitExtension fp
        writeFile (name ++ ".txt") (concat $ accumPixels imgrgba8)

accumPixels :: Image PixelRGBA8 -> [String]
accumPixels img@(Image w h _) = [ format (pixelAt img x y) x y | x <- [0..w], y <- [0..h]]
  where format (PixelRGBA8 r g b _) j k = "#" ++ show r ++ "$"
                                              ++ show g ++ "$"
                                              ++ show b ++ "$"
                                              ++ show j ++ "$"
                                              ++ show k ++ "*\n"

-- Copied from
-- See http://hackage.haskell.org/package/JuicyPixels-util-0.2/docs/Codec-Picture-RGBA8.html

class ToPixelRGBA8 a where
    toRGBA8 :: a -> PixelRGBA8

instance ToPixelRGBA8 Pixel8 where
    toRGBA8 b = PixelRGBA8 b b b 255

instance ToPixelRGBA8 PixelYA8 where
    toRGBA8 (PixelYA8 l a) = PixelRGBA8 l l l a

instance ToPixelRGBA8 PixelRGB8 where
    toRGBA8 (PixelRGB8 r g b) = PixelRGBA8 r g b 255

instance ToPixelRGBA8 PixelRGBA8 where
    toRGBA8 = id

fromDynamicImage :: DynamicImage -> Image PixelRGBA8
fromDynamicImage (ImageY8 img) = pixelMap toRGBA8 img
fromDynamicImage (ImageYA8 img) = pixelMap toRGBA8 img
fromDynamicImage (ImageRGB8 img) = pixelMap toRGBA8 img
fromDynamicImage (ImageRGBA8 img) = img

-- end of Codec.Picture.RGBA8


代码目前有点无序,因为我不得不复制一些Codec.Picture.RGBA8不能通过 LTS 获得的定义。不要介意字符串表示,我正在通过带有 WiFi 屏蔽的 Arduino 解析这些。


1 回答 1


您的列表理解accumPixels是 0 索引的,但也包括边界。这很可能是问题所在。在 Haskell 中,[0..3]是 list [0,1,2,3],所以你可能是指[0..(w-1)]and [0..(h-1)]

于 2015-08-07T17:48:12.287 回答