在尝试实现Hugo Giraudel的超棒 CSS 计数器示例时,当我尝试在浏览器中设置它时,一切都失败了。

我没有使用counter-resetor increment,所以我不确定哪些引用需要更改。在我的示例中,我只有两个需要计算的引用 - 链接似乎是正确的,但计数器不会从 1 变为 2。


Low level <a href="#features" aria-describedby="footnote-label" id="features-ref">features</a> don't come into existence in the span of a year.

<a href="#criticism" aria-describedby="footnote-label" id="criticism-ref">criticism</a> they receive for this stance.

  <h2 class="visually-hidden" id="footnote-label">Footnotes</h2>
    <li id="features">
      Swift took 4 years. LLVM reached the 1.0 milestone in 2003. <a href="#features-ref" aria-label="Back to content">↩&lt;/a>
    <li id="criticism">
      In Apple's case, it might be, "Damn the investors and pundits!" <a href="#criticism-ref" aria-label="Back to content">↩&lt;/a>

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