
来自调试器的消息:对 k 数据包有意外响应:OK


使用 Xcode 6.4 和 7.2


2 回答 2


如果你查看llvm 源代码中的ProcessGDBRemote.cpp文件,你会看到当 Xcode 的调试器进程有意外响应时会发生这种情况,在这种情况下,如果数据包不是'W'or'X'字符:

ProcessGDBRemote::DoDestroy ()

    // ...

    if (m_gdb_comm.SendPacketAndWaitForResponse("k", 1, response, send_async) == GDBRemoteCommunication::PacketResult::Success)
        char packet_cmd = response.GetChar(0);

        if (packet_cmd == 'W' || packet_cmd == 'X')
            // ...
            if (log)
            log->Printf ("ProcessGDBRemote::DoDestroy - got unexpected response to k packet: %s", response.GetStringRef().c_str());
            exit_string.assign("got unexpected response to k packet: ");

    // ...

    SetExitStatus(exit_status, exit_string.c_str());

    StopAsyncThread ();
    KillDebugserverProcess ();
    return error;

在这种情况下,调试器发送的是字符串"OK"而不是"W"or "X"。您无能为力,Xcode 的幕后存在问题。我发现在重新连接到调试会话之前终止 Xcode 的调试进程、重新启动 Xcode 和重新启动机器可以解决此问题。

要了解有关 OS X 上的本机进程的更多信息,请查看该嵌套if语句中的注释:

// For Native processes on Mac OS X, we launch through the Host Platform, then hand the process off
// to debugserver, which becomes the parent process through "PT_ATTACH".  Then when we go to kill
// the process on Mac OS X we call ptrace(PT_KILL) to kill it, then we call waitpid which returns
// with no error and the correct status.  But amusingly enough that doesn't seem to actually reap
// the process, but instead it is left around as a Zombie.  Probably the kernel is in the process of
// switching ownership back to lldb which was the original parent, and gets confused in the handoff.
// Anyway, so call waitpid here to finally reap it.


// There is a bug in older iOS debugservers where they don't shut down the process
// they are debugging properly.  If the process is sitting at a breakpoint or an exception,
// this can cause problems with restarting.  So we check to see if any of our threads are stopped
// at a breakpoint, and if so we remove all the breakpoints, resume the process, and THEN
// destroy it again.
// Note, we don't have a good way to test the version of debugserver, but I happen to know that
// the set of all the iOS debugservers which don't support GetThreadSuffixSupported() and that of
// the debugservers with this bug are equal.  There really should be a better way to test this!
// We also use m_destroy_tried_resuming to make sure we only do this once, if we resume and then halt and
// get called here to destroy again and we're still at a breakpoint or exception, then we should
// just do the straight-forward kill.
// And of course, if we weren't able to stop the process by the time we get here, it isn't
// necessary (or helpful) to do any of this.
于 2016-03-02T02:46:01.977 回答

这是 Xcode “行动起来”。我也得到了一次并通过在终端中运行它来修复它:

rm -rf ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/* ~/Library/Caches/com.apple.dt.Xcode/*

基本上清除有时会损坏的 Xcode 缓存和派生数据。希望对你有效。

于 2016-02-06T08:27:11.883 回答