我正在尝试通过 sparkfun 对 logomatic 进行编程,是的,我使用他们的论坛没有任何回应,并且遇到了一些问题。我正在尝试将字符发送到 UART0,并且我希望 logomatic 以特定字符响应而不仅仅是回声。例如,我发送“ID?” 通过终端(使用 RealTerm),并且 logomatic 发回“1”。现在只有回声了。
我正在将 c 与带有 WinARM 工具链的程序员记事本一起使用。以下片段来自 main.c 文件。我只包括了这个,因为我相当确定这是我的问题所在
void Initialize(void)
PINSEL0 = 0xCF351505;
PINSEL1 = 0x15441801;
IODIR0 |= 0x00000884;
IOSET0 = 0x00000080;
S0SPCR = 0x08; // SPI clk to be pclk/8
S0SPCR = 0x30; // master, msb, first clk edge, active high, no ints
注意 rprintf_devopen 函数,下面是来自 rprintf.c 文件,由于我的技术平庸,我看不懂这段代码。如果我在 main 中注释掉 rprintf_devopen,则芯片永远不会正确初始化。
static int (*putcharfunc)(int c);
void rprintf_devopen( int(*put)(int) )
putcharfunc = put;
static void myputchar(unsigned char c)
if(c == '\n') putcharfunc('\r');
现在,以下来自 serial.c 文件。所以我的想法是,我应该能够只调用 main.c 中的这些 putchar 函数之一,并且它会工作,但它仍然只是回声。
int putchar_serial0 (int ch)
if (ch == '\n')
while (!(U0LSR & 0x20));
U0THR = CR; // output CR
while (!(U0LSR & 0x20));
return (U0THR = ch);
// Write character to Serial Port 0 without \n -> \r\n
int putc_serial0 (int ch)
while (!(U0LSR & 0x20));
return (U0THR = ch);
// Write character to Serial Port 1 without \n -> \r\n
int putc_serial1 (int ch)
while (!(U1LSR & 0x20));
return (U1THR = ch);
void putstring_serial0 (const char *string)
char ch;
while ((ch = *string))
我尝试在 main 中调用不同的 putchar 函数,也使用 rprintf_devopen。仍然只是回声。我已经改变了 putchar 函数,但仍然只是回声。我试过只写 main.c 中的 U0THR 寄存器,但没有运气。请记住,我仍然是一名学生,我的专业是电气工程,所以我上过的唯一编程课程是 c 入门和 vhdl 入门。我更像是一个数学和物理的家伙。我正在为我正在做的实习工作。实习结束了,但让我很烦恼的是我无法弄清楚这一点。老实说,在这个项目上工作比我上的 c 课教会了我更多。无论如何,我感谢可以提供的任何帮助,如果您想查看整个代码,请告诉我。
以下是对该问题的更新。这个函数在 main.c
static void UART0ISR(void)
char temp;
trig = 13; //This is where you set the trigger character in decimal, in this case a carriage return.
temp = U0RBR; //U0RBR is the receive buffer on the chip, refer to datasheet.
if(temp == query1[counter1]) //This segment looks for the characters "ID?" from the U0RBR
{ //query1 is defined at the top of the program
if(counter1 >= 3)
flag1 = 1; //This keeps track of whether or not query1 was found
counter1 = 0;
RX_in = 0;
temp = 0;
//rprintf("\n\rtransmission works\n");
if(temp == query2[counter2] && flag1 == 1) //This segment looks for "protov?" from the U0RBR, but only after query1 has been found
if(counter2 >= 7)
flag2 = 1; //This keeps track of whether or not query2 was found
counter2 = 0;
RX_in = 0;
temp = 0;
if(temp == stop[counter3]) //This if segment looks for certain characters in the receive buffer to stop logging
if(counter3 >= 2)
flagstop = 1; //This flagstop keeps track of whether or not stop was found. When the stop characters are found,
flag1 = 0; //the query1 and query2 flags will be reset. So, in order to log again these queries must be sent again
flag2 = 0; //this may seem obvious, but deserves mention.
counter3 = 0;
RX_in = 0;
temp = 0;
flagstop = 0; //Reset the stop flag in order to wait once again for the query 1&2
if(RX_in == 0)
memset (RX_array1, 0, 512); // This clears the RX_array to make way for new data
memset (RX_array2, 0, 512);
if(RX_in < 512 && flag1 == 1 && flag2 == 1) //We cannot log data until we see both flags 1 & 2 and after we see these flags,
{ //we must then see the trigger character "carriage return"
RX_array1[RX_in] = temp;
if(temp == trig)
RX_array1[RX_in] = 10; // delimiters
log_array1 = 1;
RX_in = 0;
else if(RX_in >= 512 && flag1 == 1 && flag2 == 1) //This else if is here in case the RX_in is greater than 512 because the RX_arrays are defined to
{ //be of size 512. If this happens we don't want to lose data, so we must put the overflow into another register.
RX_array2[RX_in - 512] = temp;
RX_array1[512] = 10; // delimiters
RX_array1[512 + 1] = 13;
log_array1 = 1;
if(RX_in == 1024 || temp == trig)
RX_array2[RX_in - 512] = 10; // delimiters
log_array2 = 1;
RX_in = 0;
temp = U0IIR; // have to read this to clear the interrupt
VICVectAddr = 0;