I would like to know where the difference between Slurm versions around 2.X.X and 13-15.X are.

The most detailed list I could find regarding versioning is here: http://www.schedmd.com/#news

It seems that with Slurm version 2.6.1 another version named 13.12.0-pre1 came out.

However, nowhere is explained, how these two versions differ from each other.

While the version 13.X is still under development (currently 15.X), it seemed to have stopped for Slurm version 2.6.7.

Are these two different versions compatible to each other? Are upgrades from 2.X to 15.X possible? Are these versions completely diffferent? And if so, in what do they differ?


1 回答 1


Slurm 版本2.X.X是相当旧的版本,不再受支持。最后一个稳定版本是14.11,下一个应该是15.08.

Slurm 仅支持从最多两个版本升级,因此无法直接从2.6.X14.X升级15.X

Slurm 最多可以同时使用两个主要的不同版本。因此,您可以在同一个集群中拥有14.0315.08但控制器和数据库守护程序应始终使用最新版本。

2.6.7to13.x的更改只是版本编号约定的更改,以遵循YEAR.MONTH版本名称,从那时起,开发人员尝试每年发布 2 个版本。

于 2015-08-07T08:27:48.207 回答