问题描述: 我有以下查询来检索过去 15 分钟内的最新警报。
AlmCode IN ('3236',....'5978') AND
OccurTime >= date_sub(NOW(),interval 15 minute);
`Col1` smallint(2) DEFAULT NULL,
`Col2` int(4) DEFAULT NULL,
`Col3` int(2) DEFAULT NULL,
`Col4` int(10) DEFAULT NULL,
`Col5` int(10) unsigned DEFAULT NULL,
`Col6` int(2) DEFAULT NULL,
`Col7` int(2) DEFAULT NULL,
`Col8` int(10) DEFAULT NULL,
`Col9` int(10) unsigned DEFAULT NULL,
`AlmCode` int(10) unsigned DEFAULT NULL,
`Col10` int(2) NOT NULL,
`Col11` int(10) unsigned DEFAULT NULL,
`Col12` char(12) DEFAULT NULL,
`Col13` int(2) unsigned DEFAULT NULL,
`Col14` int(10) unsigned DEFAULT NULL,
`Col15` int(10) unsigned DEFAULT NULL,
`Col16` int(10) unsigned DEFAULT NULL,
`OccurTime` datetime NOT NULL,
`ClearTime` datetime DEFAULT NULL,
`AlmDesc` varchar(500) DEFAULT NULL,
`Col20` int(1) DEFAULT '0',
`Col21` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL,
`Col22` char(120) DEFAULT NULL,
`Col23` int(10) DEFAULT NULL,
KEY `TB_ALM_IDX2` (`Col1`,`Col2`,`Col3`,`Col6`,`Col7`,`Col11`,`AlmCode`,`Col9`,`Col4`,`Col8`,`ClearTime`) USING BTREE,
KEY `TB_ALM_IDX1` (`Col1`,`Col2`,`Col3`,`Col6`,`Col7`,`Col11`,`AlmCode`,`Col5`,`Col21`),
KEY `TB_ALM_IDX3` (`Col1`,`Col2`,`Col3`,`Col5`) USING BTREE,
KEY `TB_ALM_IDX4` (`Col1`,`Col2`,`Col3`,`OccurTime`,`ClearTime`,`Col21`) USING BTREE,
KEY `TB_ALM_IDX5` (`Col23`),
KEY `TB_ALM_IDX6` (`Col1`,`Col2`,`Col3`,`Col6`,`Col7`,`AlmCode`,`Col11`,`ClearTime`)
需要什么: 现在我想对此进行修改以检索具有以下条件的警报:
一个。过去 15 分钟内发生警报(AlmCodes)(原始请求)和
湾。仅当在过去 6 小时内的任何 15 分钟窗口中,每个警报 (AlmCodes) 未发生超过三次
尝试了什么: 我尝试了以下方法:
在最后 15 分钟内获取 DISTINCT(AlmCodes)。
select distinct(AlmCode) from TB_ALM where AlmCode IN ('3236','4002','4008','4036','4050','4051','4102','4108','4136','4150' ,'4151','4202','4208','4236','4250','4251','4801','4802','4836','4848','4850','4851',' 4902','4936','4950','4951','5002','5008','5036','5050','5051','5102','5108','5136','5150' ,'5151','5202','5208','5236','5250','5251','5947','5950','5952','5975','5976','5977',' 5978') AND OccurTime >= date_sub(NOW(),interval 15 分钟) ;
使用 Item-1(above) 作为子查询并获取每个 AlmCode 的出现次数。
select Almcode,concat(date(OccurTime),' ',HOUR(OccurTime)) as HR,count(*) from TB_ALM_HISTORY where AlmCode IN ( select distinct(s.AlmCode) from TB_ALM_HISTORY s where s.AlmCode IN ('3236' ,'4002','4008','4036','4050','4051','4102','4108','4136','4150','4151','4202','4208',' 4236','4250','4251','4801','4802','4836','4848','4850','4851','4902','4936','4950','4951' ,'5002','5008','5036','5050','5051','5102','5108','5136','5150','5151','5202','5208',' 5236','5250','5251','5947','5950','5952','5975','5976','5977','5978') AND s.OccurTime >= date_sub(NOW(),interval 15 minute) ) AND OccurTime >= date_sub(NOW(),interval 15*4*24 minute)按 AlmCode、HR 分组;
- Items-2 查询使用(子查询)永远执行,就好像我将它们作为两个单独的查询运行一样,它会立即返回,如下所示。这里缺少什么?
查询 1:获取唯一警报
select distinct(AlmCode)
where AlmCode IN ('3236','4002','4008','4036','4050','4051','4102','4108','4136','4150','4151','4202','4208','4236','4250','4251','4801','4802','4836','4848','4850','4851','4902','4936','4950','4951','5002','5008','5036','5050','5051','5102','5108','5136','5150','5151','5202','5208','5236','5250','5251','5947','5950','5952','5975','5976','5977','5978')
AND OccurTime >= date_sub(NOW(),interval 15 minute) ;
| AlmCode |
| 3236 |
| 5202 |
| 5236 |
查询 2:获取过去 6 小时内每个唯一警报的计数
select Almcode,concat(date(OccurTime),' ',LPAD(HOUR(OccurTime),2,'0')) as HR,count(*) from TB_ALM_HISTORY where AlmCode IN ('3236','5202','5236') AND OccurTime >= date_sub(NOW(),interval 15*4*7 minute) group by AlmCode,HR;
| Almcode | HR | count(*) |
| 3236 | 2015-08-04 11 | 2 |
| 5202 | 2015-08-04 13 | 6 |
| 5202 | 2015-08-04 14 | 4 |
| 5202 | 2015-08-04 15 | 2 |
| 5202 | 2015-08-04 16 | 1 |
| 5202 | 2015-08-04 17 | 2 |
假设此查询在美国东部标准时间下午 6 点运行,AlmCode 5202 已在过去 6 小时内发生(btwn 12-18 小时),因此此 AlmCode 的结果不应包含在最终选择查询中(发生在过去 15 分钟内)。而 AlmCode 3236 在过去 6 小时内未发生,因此必须包括在过去 15 分钟内针对此特定 AlmCode 发生的所有警报。
- 如何在一个查询中获得我的最终输出?
一个。获取 OccurTime >= Last 15 Minutes 的唯一 AlmCode
湾。对于这些 AlmCode 中的每一个,检查它是否在过去 6 小时内发生了三次
C。如果否,则使用 OccurTime >= Last 15 Minutes 拉出此 AlmCode 的所有警报 (如果是,则不包括并简单地跳过)