我有一些 RAML 文件位于一个文件夹中,我正在设置一个 ANT 脚本以使用raml.org站点上的raml2html包将它们“构建”到 HTML 文档中。
我是 ANT 的新手,所以我可能没有最有效地使用它,但这是次要的问题。我使用两个目标来实现这个目标,它们看起来像这样(我省略了 clean 和 init):
<!-- Look for the RAML, send them one at a time to post-build -->
<target name="build" depends="clean, init">
<echo message="searching for raml source in ${src}"/>
<foreach param="file" target="post-build">
<fileset dir="${src}">
<include name="**/*.raml"/>
<!-- Run raml2html on each of them, saving output in build/ -->
<target name="post-build" depends="">
<echo>file: ${file}</echo>
<substring text="${file}" parent-dir="${src}/" property="filename" />
<echo>filename: ${filename}</echo>
<echo>build-to: ${build}/${filename}</echo>
<exec executable="raml2html" failonerror="true">
<arg value="-i ${file}" />
<arg value="-o ${build}/${filename}" />
当我运行 ANT script:$ant build
[echo] searching for raml source in /home/ryan/workspace/RAMLValidator/src
[foreach] The nested fileset element is deprectated, use a nested path instead
[echo] file: /home/ryan/workspace/RAMLValidator/src/sample.raml
[echo] filename: sample.html
[echo] build-to: /home/ryan/workspace/RAMLValidator/build/sample.html
[exec] 2.0.2
翻译成 raml2html选项的参数在途中的某个地方,因为当我从终端-V
运行时它的版本是 2.0.2 。$raml2html -V
当我从终端显式运行相同的命令时:$raml2html -i src/sample.raml -o build/sample.html
,它会完全按照预期生成 HTML ......我是怎么搞砸的?