MailAddress类不提供解析包含多封电子邮件的字符串的方法。MailAddressCollection可以,但它只接受 CSV 并且不允许引号内的逗号。我正在寻找一个文本处理器来创建来自用户输入的电子邮件集合,而不受这些限制。


"First Middle Last" <fml@example.com>
First Middle Last <fml@example.com>
"Last, First" <fml@example.com>

4 回答 4


MailAddressCollection.Add() 例程支持逗号分隔的地址列表。

Dim mc As New Net.Mail.MailAddressCollection()
mc.Add("Bob <bob@bobmail.com>, mary@marymail.com, ""John Doe"" <john.doe@myemail.com>")
For Each m As Net.Mail.MailAddress In mc
    Debug.Print("{0} ({1})", m.DisplayName, m.Address)


Bob (bob@bobmail.com)
John Doe (john.doe@myemail.com)
于 2012-12-13T01:40:43.607 回答


/// <summary>
/// Extracts email addresses in the following formats:
/// "Tom W. Smith" &lt;tsmith@contoso.com&gt;
/// "Smith, Tom" &lt;tsmith@contoso.com&gt;
/// Tom W. Smith &lt;tsmith@contoso.com&gt;
/// tsmith@contoso.com
/// Multiple emails can be separated by a comma or semicolon.
/// Watch out for <see cref="FormatException"/>s when enumerating.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="value">Collection of emails in the accepted formats.</param>
/// <returns>
/// A collection of <see cref="System.Net.Mail.MailAddress"/>es.
/// </returns>
/// <exception cref="ArgumentException">Thrown if the value is null, empty, or just whitespace.</exception>
public static IEnumerable<MailAddress> ExtractEmailAddresses(this string value)
    if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(value)) throw new ArgumentException("The arg cannot be null, empty, or just whitespace.", "value");

    // Remove commas inside of quotes
    value = value.Replace(';', ',');
    var emails = value.SplitWhilePreservingQuotedValues(',');
    var mailAddresses = emails.Select(email => new MailAddress(email));
    return mailAddresses;

/// <summary>
/// Splits the string while preserving quoted values (i.e. instances of the delimiter character inside of quotes will not be split apart).
/// Trims leading and trailing whitespace from the individual string values.
/// Does not include empty values.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="value">The string to be split.</param>
/// <param name="delimiter">The delimiter to use to split the string, e.g. ',' for CSV.</param>
/// <returns>A collection of individual strings parsed from the original value.</returns>
public static IEnumerable<string> SplitWhilePreservingQuotedValues(this string value, char delimiter)
    Regex csvPreservingQuotedStrings = new Regex(string.Format("(\"[^\"]*\"|[^{0}])+", delimiter));
    var values =
        .Select(m => m.Value.Trim())
        .Where(v => !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(v));
    return values;


public void ExtractEmails_SingleEmail_Matches()
    string value = "a@a.a";
    var expected = new List<MailAddress>
            new MailAddress("a@a.a"),

    var actual = value.ExtractEmailAddresses();

    CollectionAssert.AreEqual(expected, actual.ToList());

public void ExtractEmails_JustEmailCSV_Matches()
    string value = "a@a.a; a@a.a";
    var expected = new List<MailAddress>
            new MailAddress("a@a.a"),
            new MailAddress("a@a.a"),

    var actual = value.ExtractEmailAddresses();

    CollectionAssert.AreEqual(expected, actual.ToList());

public void ExtractEmails_MultipleWordNameThenEmailSemicolonSV_Matches()
    string value = "a a a <a@a.a>; a a a <a@a.a>";
    var expected = new List<MailAddress>
            new MailAddress("a a a <a@a.a>"),
            new MailAddress("a a a <a@a.a>"),

    var actual = value.ExtractEmailAddresses();

    CollectionAssert.AreEqual(expected, actual.ToList());

public void ExtractEmails_JustEmailsSemicolonSV_Matches()
    string value = "a@a.a; a@a.a";
    var expected = new List<MailAddress>
            new MailAddress("a@a.a"),
            new MailAddress("a@a.a"),

    var actual = value.ExtractEmailAddresses();

    CollectionAssert.AreEqual(expected, actual.ToList());

public void ExtractEmails_NameInQuotesWithCommaThenEmailsCSV_Matches()
    string value = "\"a, a\" <a@a.a>; \"a, a\" <a@a.a>";
    var expected = new List<MailAddress>
            new MailAddress("\"a, a\" <a@a.a>"),
            new MailAddress("\"a, a\" <a@a.a>"),

    var actual = value.ExtractEmailAddresses();

    CollectionAssert.AreEqual(expected, actual.ToList());

public void ExtractEmails_EmptyString_Throws()
    string value = string.Empty;

    var actual = value.ExtractEmailAddresses();

public void ExtractEmails_NonEmailValue_ThrowsOnEnumeration()
    string value = "a";

    var actual = value.ExtractEmailAddresses();

于 2010-07-06T16:13:20.473 回答

开源库DotNetOpenMail(旧)有一个可以解析几乎所有合法形式的电子邮件地址的 EmailAddress 类和一个EmailAddressCollection。你可以从那里开始。

于 2010-07-05T18:04:34.923 回答

实际上,MailAddressCollection 确实支持逗号分隔的地址,即使引号内有逗号。我最近发现的真正问题是 CSV 列表必须已经编码为 ASCII 字符集,即。Unicode 地址的 Q 编码或 B 编码。

尽管我在Sasa中提供了 B 编码,但基类库中没有执行此编码的函数。我还刚刚添加了一个电子邮件解析功能,它解决了这个线程中的问题。

于 2011-09-26T00:54:32.763 回答