Laravel 5.1 has only one built-in hardcoded Mess Detection, it searches to see if @package tag is the same with /namespace, like so:
preg_match('/namespace\ ' . self::REQUIRED_NAMESPACE . '\\\(.*);/isU', $content, $namespace);
preg_match('/\/*( )+@package\ (.*)[\r?\n]/isU', $content, $package);
if (!isset($namespace[1]) || empty($namespace[1])) {
I want to extend this to add multiple detection classes. My folder structure currently looks like this:
Helpers >
Commands >
MessDetector >
Detector >
The file MessDetector is made as an Artisan Command, that means it extends \Illuminate\Console\Command
I have a config file called mess_detection.php which has the detection rules like so:
return [
'rules' => [
'\Helpers\Commands\MessDetector\PackageTagDetector' =>
'rule' => '/\/*( )+@package\ (.*)[\r?\n]/isU',
'path' => app_path(),
'info' => 'Checking for @package tag',
'error'=> 'Malformed or missing package tag'
But got stuck with figuring out how exactly to instantiate PackageTagDetector class in MessDetector class.
Any ideas design pattern wise?