我正在开发一个 twitch irc 机器人,我想要的组件之一是机器人能够在关闭时将引号保存到 pastebin 粘贴,然后在启动时检索相同的引号。
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import urllib.parse
import urllib.request
# --------------------------------------------- Pastebin Requisites --------------------------------------------------
pastebin_key = 'my pastebin key' # developer api key, required. GET: http://pastebin.com/api
pastebin_password = 'password' # password for pastebin_username
pastebin_postexp = 'N' # N = never expire
pastebin_private = 0 # 0 = Public 1 = unlisted 2 = Private
pastebin_url = 'http://pastebin.com/api/api_post.php'
pastebin_username = 'username' # user corresponding with key
# --------------------------------------------- Value clean up --------------------------------------------------
pastebin_password = urllib.parse.quote(pastebin_password, safe='/')
pastebin_username = urllib.parse.quote(pastebin_username, safe='/')
# --------------------------------------------- Pastebin Functions --------------------------------------------------
def post(title, content): # used for posting a new paste
pastebin_vars = {'api_option': 'paste', 'api_user_key': pastebin_username, 'api_paste_private': pastebin_private,
'api_paste_name': title, 'api_paste_expire_date': pastebin_postexp, 'api_dev_key': pastebin_key,
'api_user_password': pastebin_password, 'api_paste_code': content}
str_to_paste = ', '.join("{!s}={!r}".format(key, val) for (key, val) in pastebin_vars.items()) # dict to str :D
str_to_paste = str_to_paste.replace(":", "") # remove :
str_to_paste = str_to_paste.replace("'", "") # remove '
str_to_paste = str_to_paste.replace(")", "") # remove )
str_to_paste = str_to_paste.replace(", ", "&") # replace dividers with &
urllib.request.urlopen(pastebin_url, urllib.parse.urlencode(pastebin_vars)).read()
print('did that work?')
print("post submit failed :(")
print(pastebin_url + "?" + str_to_paste) # print the output for test
post("test", "stuff")