我有一个格式奇怪的 XML 文件,我想提取该<text xml:space="preserve" bytes="1099">
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<title>Martial Ares</title>
<text xml:space="preserve" bytes="1017">{{Infobox card (2)
|card name=[Martial] Ares
|character name=Ares
|release_date=May 1 2013
|image 1=MartialAres5.jpg
|rarity 1=Super Special Rare
|pwr req 1=28
|sale price 1=94200
|max card lv 1=60
|max mastery lv 1=40
|quote 1=Ares prefers weapons that were used during the age of Greek myth: sword, axe, and spear. But he can use any weapon expertly, and turn most ordinary objects into lethal weapons.
|base atk 1=2440
|base def 1=2650
|max atk 1=7015
|max def 1=7613
|mastery bonus atk 1=915
|mastery bonus def 1=993
|image 2=MartialAres6.jpg
|rarity 2=Ultimate Rare
|sale price 2=188400
|max mastery lv 2=200
|quote 2=Next time I see Hercules, We're going to have a steel conversation. It's about time for him to answer for massacring my Stymphalian Birds.
|max atk 2=9822
|max def 2=10660
|mastery bonus atk 2=1098
|mastery bonus def 2=1192
|faction=Super Hero
|effect=Significantly harden DEF of your Bruisers.