We want to get all fields from this link (http://xmpp.org/extensions/xep-0045.html#roomconfig) for this section

Example 165. Service Sends Configuration Form to Owner

In the specification it is showing all fields, but we are not getting all fields from ejabberd like:

<field label='Roles and Affiliations that May Retrieve Member List' type='list-multi' var='muc#roomconfig_getmemberlist'>

We want to get muc#roomconfig_getmemberlist, but it is not getting from ejabberd.

What config we need to change to get all field like above link?


1 回答 1


ejabberd 返回它支持的所有字段。目前 ejabberd 不支持更改允许检索成员列表的用户的隶属关系。假设 MUC 管理员、房间所有者和成员可以检索成员列表。

也就是说,即使您在配置表单中没有该字段,ejabberd 也支持管理成员列表。您可以从具有适当凭据的用户那里检索成员列表,发送以下查询:

<iq type="get" to="room@conference.example.net" id="aac1a">
 <query xmlns="http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#admin">
  <item affiliation="member"/>


<iq from="room@conference.example.net" type="result" id="aae0a">
 <query xmlns="http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#admin">
  <item affiliation="member" jid="newmember@example.net"/>
于 2015-08-01T09:37:47.523 回答