Im trying to programm a text adventure. I have a NSTextView in which the user can write commands and get a response but I can't find a way to "pause" a function to wait for the users response.
import Cocoa
@IBOutlet var textView: NSTextView!
var playerName:String = ""
var enteredString:String = ""
//Keyboard Input
private func returnChar(theEvent: NSEvent) -> Character?{
let s: String = theEvent.characters!
for char in s{
return char
return nil
override func keyUp (theEvent: NSEvent) {
let s: String = String(self.returnChar(theEvent)!)
if theEvent.keyCode == 36 {
//Here I'd like to
//say that start()
//should continue
func start() {
textView.string?.extend("Hi, what's your name?\n")
//Here I'd like to
//wait for the
//users response
playerName = enteredString
textView.string?.extend("Are you sure that I should call you \(playerName)")
Thanks for your reply :D