I created a script for use with my website that is supposed to erase the oldest entry in cache when a new item needs to be cached. My website is very large with 500,000 photos on it and the cache space is set to 2 GB.
These functions are what cause the trouble:
function cache_tofile($fullf, $c)
if(strpos($fullf, "/") === FALSE)
$fullf = "./".$fullf;
$lp = strrpos($fullf, "/");
$fp = substr($fullf, $lp + 1);
$dp = substr($fullf, 0, $lp);
$sz = strlen($c);
mkdir($dp, 0755, true);
$h = @fopen($fullf, "w");
if(flock($h, LOCK_EX))
ftruncate($h, 0);
$tmo = 1000;
$cc = 1;
$i = fputs($h, $c);
while($i < strlen($c) || $tmo-- > 1)
$c = substr($c, $i);
$i = fwrite($h, $c);
flock($h, LOCK_UN);
function cache_space_make($sz)
$ct = 0;
$cf = cachefolder();
$fi = shell_exec("df -i ".$cf." | tail -1 | awk -F\" \" '{print \$4}'");
if($fi < 1)
if(($old = disk_free_space($cf)) === false)
while($old < $sz)
if($ct > 10000)
error_log("Deleted over 10,000 files. Is disk screwed up?");
$fi = shell_exec("rm \$(find ".$cf."cache -type f -printf '%T+ %p\n' | sort | head -1 | awk -F\" \" '{print \$2}');");
$old = disk_free_space($cf);
is a function that returns the correct folder name with a /
appended to it.
When the functions are executed, the CPU usage for apache is between 95% and 100% and other services on the server are extremely slow to access during that time. I also noticed in whm that cache disk usage is at 100% and refuses to drop until I clear the cache. I was expecting more like maybe 90ish%.
What I am trying to do with the cache_tofile function is attempt to free disk space in order to create a folder then free disk space to make the cache file. The cache_space_make function takes one parameter representing the amount of disk space to free up.
In that function I use system calls to try to find the oldest file in the directory tree of the entire cache and I was unable to find native php functions to do so.
The cache file format is as follows:
For example, if one requests http://www.example.com/abc/def then from both functions, the folder that is supposed to be created is abc and the file is then def so the entire file in the system will be:
If one requests http://www.example.com/111/222 then the folder 111 is created and the file 222 will be created
Each file in both cases contain the same content as what the user requests based on the url. (example: /cacherootfolder/111/222 contains the same content as what one would see when viewing source from http://www.example.com/111/222)
The intent of the caching system is to deliver all web pages at optimal speed.
My question then is how do I prevent the system from trying to lockup when the cache is full. Is there better code I can use than what I provided?