I have an SQL query that I am trying to edit. It returns the error :
"The multi-part identifier "i.LastPurPrc" could not be bound." when I try to add a column 'Amount1'. (Error on 2nd line of query code)
The query:
Select a.Itemcode, max(a.Dscription) as ItemName,
sum(a.OpeningBalance) as OpeningBalance, sum(a.OpeningBalance) * i.LastPurPrc AS 'Amount1', sum(a.INq) as 'IN', sum(a.OUT) as OUT,
((sum(a.OpeningBalance) + sum(a.INq)) - sum(a.OUT)) as Closing,
(Select i.InvntryUom from OITM i
Where i.ItemCode = a.Itemcode) as UOM
(Select N1.Warehouse, N1.Itemcode, N1.Dscription, (sum(N1.inqty)-sum(n1.outqty))
as OpeningBalance, 0 as INq, 0 as OUT
from dbo.OINM N1
Where N1.DocDate < '04-01-2015' and N1.Warehouse = 'WNR02'
Group By N1.Warehouse,N1.ItemCode,
Union All
Select N1.Warehouse, N1.Itemcode, N1.Dscription, 0 as OpeningBalance,
sum(N1.inqty), 0 as OUT
from dbo.OINM N1
Where N1.DocDate >= '04-01-2015' and N1.DocDate <= '04-30-2015'
and N1.Inqty > 0 and N1.Warehouse = 'WNR02'
Group By N1.Warehouse, N1.ItemCode, N1.Dscription
Union All
Select N1.Warehouse, N1.Itemcode, N1.Dscription, 0 as OpeningBalance, 0 , sum(N1.outqty) as OUT
From dbo.OINM N1
Where N1.DocDate >= '04-01-2015' and N1.DocDate <= '04-30-2015' and N1.OutQty > 0
and N1.Warehouse = 'WNR02'
Group By N1.Warehouse,N1.ItemCode,N1.Dscription) a, dbo.OITM I1
where a.ItemCode = I1.ItemCode
Group By a.Itemcode Having sum(a.OpeningBalance) + sum(a.INq) + sum(a.OUT) > 0 Order By a.Itemcode
How do I solve this?