最终使用将在“qcc”中,这需要一个数据框或矩阵,每行由一组组成,在样本较少的组中使用 NA。
# This is an example of the initial data that I have
# * 10 sample measurements, over 3 groups with 3, 2, and 5 elements respectively
x <- rnorm(10)
x_df <- data.frame( time = c( rep('2001 Q1',3), rep('2001 Q2',2), rep('2001 Q3',5) ), measure = x )
# This is a manual conversion into the desired format
x_pad <- c( x[1:3], NA, NA, x[4:5], NA, NA, NA, x[6:10] )
x_matrix <- matrix( x_pad, nrow = 3, ncol = 5, byrow = TRUE, dimnames = list(c('2001 Q1','2001 Q2','2001 Q3')) )
x_matrix # desired format
# An example of how it will be used
plot(qcc(x_matrix, type = 'xbar', plot = FALSE))
time measure
1 2001 Q1 0.14680685
2 2001 Q1 0.53593193
3 2001 Q1 0.56097974
4 2001 Q2 -1.48102689
5 2001 Q2 0.18150972
6 2001 Q3 1.72018147
7 2001 Q3 -0.08480855
8 2001 Q3 -2.23208877
9 2001 Q3 -1.15269107
10 2001 Q3 0.57975023
[,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5]
2001 Q1 0.1468068 0.53593193 0.5609797 NA NA
2001 Q2 -1.4810269 0.18150972 NA NA NA
2001 Q3 1.7201815 -0.08480855 -2.2320888 -1.152691 0.5797502
可能有一种简单的方法(也许我不熟悉 reshape 或 reshape2 cast 的一些用法?),但到目前为止,一堆搜索对我没有帮助。
从以下解决方案之一,以下将生成最终的 qcc xbar 图,包括组标签:
out_df <- dcast( getanID( x_df, 'time' ), time~.id, value.var='measure' )
qcc( out_df[,-1], type = 'xbar', labels = out_df[,1] )