I'm using Filemaker 11 to manage content over Custom Web publishing, with a json xslt sheet to convert the XML to a json format is there any way to add a parameter to the url, and have it come back down without modifying it?

I thought about globals, but from what I can tell if two requests were sent within a short enough amount of time, there could be a race condition, one overwriting the others global..


1 回答 1


参数被传递给样式表<xsl:param name="request-query" />,其结构必须在文档中指定,但据我记得是

<query action="..."> <-- the form action, i.e. the url -->
  <parameter name="...">...</parameter>

命名空间query是. http://www.filemaker.com/xml/queryFileMaker 自己的传递自定义参数的想法是将它们命名为token.1等,但可以将任何一组参数传递给使用process操作(即不打数据库)的 XSLT,将参数排序为进入数据库并保留什么,进行内联调用,然后处理结果并将保存的参数添加回来。

请注意,如果需要,您还可以访问 cookie 和标头。另请注意,XSLT API 已弃用,将来的 FileMaker 版本将不再支持。

于 2010-07-02T18:02:23.020 回答