s 的虚拟表之外,是使用Labeled Section Transclusion (或者如果你有Extension:DynamicPageList,它的等效{{#dpl}}
{|class="wikitable sortable" style="font-size:85%"
|+ table name
! Title 1
! Title 2
! Title 3
|- valign="top
| {{#lst:col1|row1}}
| {{#lst:col2|row1}}
| {{#lst:col3|row1}}
|- valign="top
| {{#lst:col1|row2}}
| {{#lst:col2|row2}}
| {{#lst:col3|row2}}
|- valign="top
| {{#lst:col1|row3}}
| {{#lst:col2|row3}}
| {{#lst:col3|row3}}
这种解决方案缺乏像丢弃行那样丢弃列的简单性,但遗憾的是,HTML 并不是为创建真正的基于列的表而设计的。但是,使用这种布局,至少每列中的所有信息都存储在同一页面上,您可以更轻松地对其进行编辑({{col1}}
template:col-based table row
{{!}}- valign="top"
{{!}} {{#lst: {{PAGENAME}}/col1 | row{{{1|}}} }}
{{!}} {{#lst: {{PAGENAME}}/col2 | row{{{1|}}} }}
{{!}} {{#lst: {{PAGENAME}}/col3 | row{{{1|}}} }}
{{col-based table row|1}}
{{col-based table row|2}}
{{col-based table row|3}}
Now, if you want to automatically-generate these rows until you exhaust the template (or in other words, have the table determine how many rows to create without you manually setting them up), that I don't think I can help you with. Perhaps you can do something clever with the DPL extension's table generation function, or install an extension that will allow you to create loops, but I think you'll probably be stuck creating each row manually as described above.
As a final note, because this is content and not formatting I'd advise that you put the column pages in the mainspace rather than the template namespace. In fact, this is the sort of thing that subpages are great for.