I want to create Android notification with transparent background. I'm using bigContent with remoteViews to create my own layout, but when i set background color of main layout to @android/color/transparent nothing happens. I still see standard white background of notification.

How can I set transparent background on Android notification? I note that i don't mean notification bar (or status bar) but background of custom notification.


1 回答 1


正如 CommonsWare 在评论中所说,这是不可能的。



<color name="notification_legacy_background_color">#ff1a1a1a</color>

<!-- The color of the material notification background -->
<color name="notification_material_background_color">#fffafafa</color>

<!-- The color of the material notification background when dimmed -->
<color name="notification_material_background_dimmed_color">#d4ffffff</color>

 <!-- The color of the material notification background when low priority -->
<color name="notification_material_background_low_priority_color">#ffe0e0e0</color>

<!-- The color of the material notification background for media notifications when no custom
     color is specified -->
<color name="notification_material_background_media_default_color">#ff424242</color>

更多信息: http ://androidxref.com/5.1.1_r6/xref/frameworks/base/packages/SystemUI/res/values/colors.xml#80


于 2015-07-26T18:40:26.583 回答