I have a Vodafone smart first 6 phone, that I want to debug over bluetooth. I have turned on usb debugging at developer options and also allowed mock locations. I downloaded the usb driver for it from http://androidxda.com/download-vodafone-usb-drivers . I have windows 8.1 and android studio 1.2.2

When I connect my phone to my computer the phone sais "USB debugging connected" but my android studio doesn't see it, altough my computer recognize it as a media device. The adb devices command isn't see it either.

All this steps worked for me for previous devices, I have debuged a lot of android devices before but I cannot find a solution for this vodafone phone. Can anyone help me?

Thank you!


2 回答 2


删除设备管理器中的两个“vf695”条目,断开电话,安装 PDANet(http://pdanet.co/),选择“未知设备”选项,按照说明进行操作,似乎可以完成工作。

于 2015-08-10T11:57:37.890 回答

我在搜索 1 周后才找到解决方案 转到此博客,您将下载所有 zip 文件http://www.mediafire.com/download/5ff6s5bk1couva9/Compelte_USB_Drivers+PDanet+Adb_Installer.rar先安装 C++ 然后找到 Universal ADB DRiver它会得到你的 ABD !标记重新启动你会发现你是如此如此如此高兴,因为我现在别忘了用这个配置来配置你的手机:

  1. 设置-存储-点击三个点USB电脑连接-然后选择(MTP)媒体设备\
  2. 我们将您的移动设备更改为开发人员模式单击 USB 调试已连接并选择 USB 调试
于 2018-01-22T16:08:26.457 回答