I am trying to get my head around the Snowfall library and its usage.
Having writing a simulation that makes use of environments, I encountered the following issue. If I source a file to load functions within the parallel mode, the function seems to use a different environment than when I declare the function within parallel mode direclty.
To make things a little bit more clear, lets consider the following two scripts:
q_func.R declares the function
foo.bar <- function(x, envname) assign("val", x, envir = get(envname))
# assigns the value x to the variable "val" in the environment envname
q_snowfall.R main function that uses snowfall
SnowFunc <- function(envname) {
# load the functions
# Option 1 not working
# Option 2 working...
# foo.bar <- function(x, envname) assign("val", x, envir = get(envname))
# create the new environment
assign(envname, new.env())
# use the function as declared in q_func.R
# to assign random numbers to the new env
foo.bar(x = rnorm(1), envname = envname)
# return the environment including the random values
return(get("val", envir = get(envname)))
sfInit(parallel = TRUE, cpus = 2)
# create environment 'a' and 'b' that each will get a new variable
# called 'val' that gets assigned a random value
envs <- c("a", "b")
result <- sfClusterApplyLB(envs, SnowFunc)
If I execute the script "q_snowfall.R" I get the error
Error in checkForRemoteErrors(val) :
2 nodes produced errors; first error: object 'a' not found
However, if I use the second option (declaring the function within the SnowFunc-function the error disappears.
Do you know how Snowfall handles the different environments? Or do you even have a solution for the issue. (note that 'q_func.R' actually takes some 100 lines of code, therefore I would prefer to have it in a separate file, thus the "keep option 2" is not a solution!)
Thank you very much!
If I change all get(envname)
to get(envname, envir = globalenv())
it seems to work. But it seems to me that this is more or less a workaround and not a very snowfall-like solution.