我正在执行 sql server 存储过程,在输出中,当我从 Sql Server 管理工作室执行它时,我得到两件事结果和消息。但是我不知道在执行存储过程时如何在 zend 框架 2 中获取该消息?

  class myController{
     public function indexAction() {   
        $getResource = $this->fetchTransStatus('123');
        $obj = sqlsrv_fetch_array($getResource, SQLSRV_FETCH_ASSOC);
        // $obj will give the result coming from database,
        // but i am not getting the message coming from stored procedure
        // which i it is sending through RAISERROR 
     public function fetchTransStatus($data = null)
         $procedure = 'procedure_name';
         $params = " @param1 = $data, @param2 = 1";
         $stmt = $this->tableGateway->getAdapter()->createStatement();
         $stmt->prepare("EXEC $procedure $params");
         $result = $stmt->execute();
         return $result->getResource();

我将如何获得来自 zend 框架 2 中存储过程的 RAISERROR 消息?


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