
I were testing General Device Operations on my android tablet, and activate the device lock, and then removing it. but when I enter my password on my tablet it said 'wrong password'. Then I enterprise wipe so that emm setting eraised from my device.

The password was same as the pass using for encryption .It decrypt storage but didn't login to device.

Now I couldn't login to my device!

more info:

server = my windows laptop (install as a service) client = Galexy Note 10


After wiping the device, I also try to enter wrong password so that it reset factory. but it just count the attepts.

Edit 2:

I use this to reset factory my tablet.

but I have a question how can I fix this issue. (screen password change during lock and unlocking device)


1 回答 1


在这种情况下,您可以执行 EMM 操作中的清除密码操作。它会重置您的屏幕锁定密码。

无论如何,如果您忘记了密码并且您的手机中没有 EMM 代理应用程序/您的数据已清除,您可以进行硬重置以重置您的手机。为此,您必须关闭手机并同时按下音量按钮+主页按钮,同时按下,您可以启动设备。在您获得的菜单中,首先按音量调高进入启动菜单。从那里选择擦除选项,然后重新启动。但这将重置整个数据分区+也将重置所有硬件驱动程序。


于 2015-07-25T12:55:33.283 回答