We are on: akka-stream-experimental_2.11 1.0.
Inspired by the example
We wrote a TCP receiver as follows:
def bind(address: String, port: Int, target: ActorRef)
(implicit system: ActorSystem, actorMaterializer: ActorMaterializer): Future[ServerBinding] = {
val sink = Sink.foreach[Tcp.IncomingConnection] { conn =>
val serverFlow = Flow[ByteString]
.via(Framing.delimiter(ByteString("\n"), maximumFrameLength = 256, allowTruncation = true))
.map(message => {
target ? new Message(message); ByteString.empty
conn handleWith serverFlow
val connections = Tcp().bind(address, port)
However, our intention was to have the receiver not respond at all and only sink the message. (The TCP message publisher does not care about response ).
Is it even possible? to not respond at all since akka.stream.scaladsl.Tcp.IncomingConnection takes a flow of type: Flow[ByteString, ByteString, Unit]
If yes, some guidance will be much appreciated. Thanks in advance.
One attempt as follows passes my unit tests but not sure if its the best idea:
def bind(address: String, port: Int, target: ActorRef)
(implicit system: ActorSystem, actorMaterializer: ActorMaterializer): Future[ServerBinding] = {
val sink = Sink.foreach[Tcp.IncomingConnection] { conn =>
val targetSubscriber = ActorSubscriber[Message](system.actorOf(Props(new TargetSubscriber(target))))
val targetSink = Flow[ByteString]
.via(Framing.delimiter(ByteString("\n"), maximumFrameLength = 256, allowTruncation = true))
val connections = Tcp().bind(address, port)