



请检查我的代码,我使用带有 Runnable 的处理程序来移动蛇。(在画布上绘制并每次将其设置为视图的背景,即每次将 setContentView 设置为我的 Activity。


public class MainActivity extends Activity implements View.OnClickListener {

    Paint paint = new Paint();
    Canvas canvas;

    View contentView; ///<The view to set by setContentView

    int moveSize; ///<Sze in px to move drawer to draw another square

    int leftIndex; ///<Indexes for square drawing
    int topIndex;
    int rightIndex;
    int bottomIndex;

    int maxBoundsX; ///<The max number of squares in X axis
    int maxBoundsY; ///<The max number of squares in Y axis

    int moveSpeedInMillis = 25; ///<One movement square per milliseconds

    Bitmap bitmapToDrawOn; ///<We draw the squares to this bitmap

    Direction currentDirection = Direction.RIGHT; ///< RIGHT,LEFT,UP,DOWN directions. default is RIGHT

    Handler  handler  = new Handler(); ///<Handler for running a runnable that actually 'moves' the snake by drawing squares to shifted positions
    Runnable runnable = new Runnable() {

        public void run() {

            Log.i("runnable", "ran");

            //Drawing a square to the current destination
            //After some delay we call again and again and again
            handler.postDelayed(runnable, moveSpeedInMillis);

    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

        /*getting area properties like moveSize, and bounds*/

        moveSize = searchForOptimalMoveSize();

        maxBoundsX = ScreenSizer.getScreenWidth(this) / moveSize;
        maxBoundsY = ScreenSizer.getScreenHeight(this) / moveSize;

        Log.i("moveSize", "moveSize: " + moveSize);
        Log.i("maxBounds: ", "x: " + maxBoundsX + " ; " + "y: " + maxBoundsY);

        /*setting start pos*/

        //We start on the lower left part of the screen

        leftIndex = moveSize * (-1);
        rightIndex = 0;
        bottomIndex = moveSize * maxBoundsY;
        topIndex = moveSize * (maxBoundsY - 1);

        //Setting contentView, bitmap, and canvas

        contentView = new View(this);

        bitmapToDrawOn = Bitmap.createBitmap(ScreenSizer.getScreenWidth(this), ScreenSizer.getScreenHeight(this), Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888);
        canvas = new Canvas(bitmapToDrawOn);

        contentView.setBackground(new BitmapDrawable(getResources(), bitmapToDrawOn));

        /*starts drawing*/


     * Draws a square to the next direction
     * @param direction the direction to draw the next square
    private void drawRectPls(Direction direction) {

        if (direction.equals(Direction.RIGHT)) {
            leftIndex += moveSize;
            rightIndex += moveSize;
        } else if (direction.equals(Direction.UP)) {
            topIndex -= moveSize;
            bottomIndex -= moveSize;
        } else if (direction.equals(Direction.LEFT)) {
            leftIndex -= moveSize;
            rightIndex -= moveSize;
        } else if (direction.equals(Direction.DOWN)) {
            topIndex += moveSize;
            bottomIndex += moveSize;

        contentView.setBackground(new BitmapDrawable(getResources(), bitmapToDrawOn));
        Log.i("drawRect", "direction: " + currentDirection);


    private void addRectToCanvas() {
        paint.setColor(Color.argb(255, 100, 100, 255));
        canvas.drawRect(leftIndex, topIndex, rightIndex, bottomIndex, paint);

     * Upon tapping the screen the the snake is changing direction, one way simple interaction
    public void onClick(View v) {

        if (v.equals(contentView)) {

            if (currentDirection.equals(Direction.RIGHT)) {
                currentDirection = Direction.UP;
            } else if (currentDirection.equals(Direction.UP)) {
                currentDirection = Direction.LEFT;
            } else if (currentDirection.equals(Direction.LEFT)) {
                currentDirection = Direction.DOWN;
            } else if (currentDirection.equals(Direction.DOWN)) {
                currentDirection = Direction.RIGHT;

     * Just getting the size of a square. Searching for an integer that divides both screen's width and height
     * @return
    private int searchForOptimalMoveSize() {
        int i;
        for (i = 16; i <= 64; i++) {
            Log.i("iter", "i= " + i);
            if (ScreenSizer.getScreenWidth(this) % i == 0) {
                Log.i("iter", ScreenSizer.getScreenWidth(this) + "%" + i + " =0 !");
                if (ScreenSizer.getScreenHeight(this) % i == 0) {
                    Log.i("iter", ScreenSizer.getScreenHeight(this) + "%" + i + " =0 !");
                    return i;
        return -1;

     * Stops the handler
    protected void onDestroy() {


我已经修改了我的代码,现在视图包含了所有细节,我使用了onDrawinvalidate方法,就像 Philipp 建议的那样。



public class SpiralView extends View implements View.OnClickListener {

    int leftIndex; ///<Indexes for square drawing
    int topIndex;
    int rightIndex;
    int bottomIndex;

    int speedInMillis = 50;

    int moveSize; ///<Sze in px to move drawer to draw another square

    int maxBoundsX; ///<The max number of squares in X axis
    int maxBoundsY; ///<The max number of squares in Y axis

    Paint paint = new Paint();
    Direction currentDirection = Direction.RIGHT; ///< RIGHT,LEFT,UP,DOWN directions. default is RIGHT

    public void setUp(int moveSize, int maxBoundsX, int maxBoundsY) {
        this.moveSize = moveSize;
        this.maxBoundsX = maxBoundsX;
        this.maxBoundsY = maxBoundsY;
        this.leftIndex = moveSize * (-1);
        this.rightIndex = 0;
        this.bottomIndex = moveSize * (maxBoundsY);
        this.topIndex = moveSize * (maxBoundsY - 1);


    public SpiralView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) {
        super(context, attrs);


     * Draws a square to the next direction
     * @param direction the direction to draw the next square
    private void drawOnPlease(Direction direction, Canvas canvas) {

        if (direction.equals(Direction.RIGHT)) {
            leftIndex += moveSize;
            rightIndex += moveSize;
        } else if (direction.equals(Direction.UP)) {
            topIndex -= moveSize;
            bottomIndex -= moveSize;
        } else if (direction.equals(Direction.LEFT)) {
            leftIndex -= moveSize;
            rightIndex -= moveSize;
        } else if (direction.equals(Direction.DOWN)) {
            topIndex += moveSize;
            bottomIndex += moveSize;

        Log.i("drawRect", "direction: " + currentDirection);
        Log.i("drawRect", "indexes: "+topIndex+" , "+rightIndex+" ," +bottomIndex+" , "+leftIndex);



    private void addRectToCanvas(Canvas canvas) {
        paint.setColor(Color.argb(255, 100, 100, 255));

       canvas.drawRect(leftIndex, topIndex, rightIndex, bottomIndex, paint);

    protected void onDraw(Canvas canvas) {

        try {

            drawOnPlease(currentDirection, canvas);

            synchronized (this) {


        } catch (InterruptedException e) {


    public void onClick(View v) {

        if (currentDirection.equals(Direction.RIGHT)) {
            currentDirection = Direction.UP;
        } else if (currentDirection.equals(Direction.UP)) {
            currentDirection = Direction.LEFT;
        } else if (currentDirection.equals(Direction.LEFT)) {
            currentDirection = Direction.DOWN;
        } else if (currentDirection.equals(Direction.DOWN)) {
            currentDirection = Direction.RIGHT;




3 回答 3


不要使用 Handler 来使用 Canvas 进行绘制。相反,您应该创建一个自定义视图并使用 onDraw(Canvas canvas) 方法。在这种方法中,您可以像之前那样在 Canvas 对象上进行绘制。通过调用 invalidate() 方法,您会触发一个新的 onDraw() 调用。在 onTouch() 或 onClick() 函数中,您还可以通过调用 invalidate() 触发新的 onDraw 调用

class SnakView extends View {
  protected void onDraw(Canvas canvas) {
    // draw on canvas

  public void onClick(View v) {
    // handle the event
于 2015-07-22T07:53:26.980 回答

神奇的数字是 16 毫秒,让 android 在没有丢帧的情况下重绘视图。

看看这个来自 android 开发者的视频,它解释了这一点。 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CaMTIgxCSqU&index=25&list=PLWz5rJ2EKKc9CBxr3BVjPTPoDPLdPIFCE

特别是查看此视频 https://youtu.be/vkTn3Ule4Ps?t=54

它解释了如何使用画布剪裁,以免在每个 cicle 中绘制整个表面,只绘制需要绘制的内容。

于 2015-08-01T19:28:07.987 回答

您可以尝试添加android:hardwareAccelerated="true"到您的清单、添加到 或 .

这适用于具有 3.0+ 的设备。

此外,您的目标 api 级别应该是 11。


于 2015-07-29T11:21:13.360 回答