I want to use Make install command and I have installed all requirements like yasm, nasm, curl, ant, rsync and the autotools: autoconf, automake, aclocal, pkgconfig, libtool. (Exactly, I want to compile Linphone Android NDK from Here : https://github.com/BelledonneCommunications/linphone-android. I have follow all steps from there)

I have try to install libtoolize using this command:

brew install libtoolize

But terminal always show :

Error: No available formula for libtoolize

If i try to make install, terminal will show :

Could not find libtoolize. Please install libtool.

Anybody can help ?


2 回答 2



brew install libtool


brew list libtool


In order to prevent conflicts with Apple's own libtool we have prepended a "g"
so, you have instead: glibtool and glibtoolize.

您可以再次尝试安装您想要的工具。如果自带./configure脚本,重新执行让它找到glibtoolize. 如果这不起作用,您可能需要将环境变量设置为LIBTOOL安装的 Homebrew 版本:

export LIBTOOL=`which glibtool`
export LIBTOOLIZE=`which glibtoolize`

作为最后的手段,您可能需要从 to 设置符号glibtoolize链接libtoolize。您可以通过

ln -s `which glibtoolize` libtoolize


export PATH=$(pwd):$PATH


于 2015-07-21T20:53:23.990 回答

也许你应该参考这个Linphone for android is not working/missing libraries。作为步骤的一部分,为 mac 安装 Autotools。

 # Assume we want to install them below $HOME/local.

 # Ensure the tools are accessible from PATH.
 # It is advisable to set this also in ~/.profile, for development.
 export PATH

 # Do the following in a scratch directory.
 wget http://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/m4/m4-1.4.14.tar.gz
 wget http://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/autoconf/autoconf-2.64.tar.gz
 wget http://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/automake/automake-1.11.1.tar.gz
 wget http://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/libtool/libtool-2.4.tar.gz
 gzip -dc m4-1.4.14.tar.gz | tar xvf -
 gzip -dc autoconf-2.64.tar.gz | tar xvf -
 gzip -dc automake-1.11.1.tar.gz | tar xvf -
 gzip -dc libtool-2.4.tar.gz | tar xvf -
 cd m4-1.4.14
 ./configure -C --prefix=$myprefix && make && make install
 cd ../autoconf-2.64
 ./configure -C --prefix=$myprefix && make && make install
 cd ../automake-1.11.1
 ./configure -C --prefix=$myprefix && make && make install
 cd ../libtool-2.4
 ./configure -C --prefix=$myprefix && make && make install 
于 2015-07-23T03:04:16.873 回答