I am beginning to use terraform to control staging and production environments on various cloud providers (AWS for example). Is there a way to use terraform configuration files to create a local development environment for, say, a multi-tier application environment or do I have to maintain a different configuration via, say, vagrant for my development needs?

This may not be too difficult to do with two tools since most components are dockerized, but it would be nice to have a single configuration.


1 回答 1


跨平台编排工具的问题在于,就所有云上可用的功能而言,它最终会满足最低公分母的需求。Terraform 仅使用所需提供者提供的资源来描述基础架构。

长话短说,您将需要单独的配置,但如果您要部署到云中,则没有什么能阻止您将其用于 QA 或验收测试环境。

于 2015-07-21T09:20:45.700 回答