在“ ProDinner ”项目中,ValueInjecter用于映射。我使用最新版本,在实体和int[]之间转换时将ConventionInjection替换为LoopInjection,我得到了EntitiesToInts类的代码:

public class EntitiesToInts : LoopInjection
    protected override bool MatchTypes(Type src, Type trg)
        return trg == typeof(int[])
            && src.IsGenericType 
            && src.GetGenericTypeDefinition() == typeof(ICollection<>)
            && src.GetGenericArguments()[0].IsSubclassOf(typeof(Entity));

    protected override void SetValue(object source, object target, PropertyInfo sp, PropertyInfo tp)
        var val = sp.GetValue(source);
        if (val != null)
            tp.SetValue(target, (val as IEnumerable<Entity>).Select(o => o.Id).ToArray());

如何完成 IntsToEntities 类?


1 回答 1



// go from int[] to ICollection<Entity> 
public class IntsToEntities : LoopInjection
    protected override bool MatchTypes(Type src, Type trg)
        return src == typeof(int[]) 
            && trg.IsGenericType
            && trg.GetGenericTypeDefinition() == typeof(ICollection<>)
            && trg.GetGenericArguments()[0].IsSubclassOf(typeof(Entity));

        protected override void SetValue(object source, object target, PropertyInfo sp, PropertyInfo tp)
            var sourceVal = sp.GetValue(source);
            if (sourceVal != null)
                var tval = tp.GetValue(target);// make EF load the collection before modifying it; without it we get errors when saving an existing object

                dynamic repo = IoC.Resolve(typeof(IRepo<>).MakeGenericType(tp.PropertyType.GetGenericArguments()[0]));
                dynamic resList = Activator.CreateInstance(typeof(List<>).MakeGenericType(tp.PropertyType.GetGenericArguments()[0]));

                var sourceAsArr = (int[])sourceVal;
                foreach (var i in sourceAsArr)

                tp.SetValue(target, resList);
于 2015-07-20T05:39:53.007 回答