Hello i am getting data from a php file in json format,all works fine.I would however desire that this function reloads every say 3000millisecs thus updating the data.
How do I achieve this?
function loadFbill(hsid)
// Display a loading icon in our display element
$('.list-item-display').html('<span><img src="img/progress.gif" /></span>');
// Request the JSON and process it
success:function(feed) {
// Create an empty array to store images
var thumbs = [];
// Loop through the items
for(var i=0, l=feed.response.length; i < l && i < 6; ++i)
// Manipulate the image to get thumb and medium sizes
var payee = feed.response[i].result_paid;
var transaction_m = feed.response[i].result_payment_details;
var ptime = feed.response[i].result_time;
var plan = feed.response[i].result_plan;
var payee_num = feed.response[i].result_num;
var localhs = feed.response[i].result_hs;
var transaction_date = feed.response[i].result_payment_date;
var diff_date = feed.response[i].result_time_diff;
// Add the new element to the array
thumbs.push("<div class=list-item><div class=list-datetime><div class=time>"+ptime+"</div></div><div class=list-info><img src=img/pesa/ps_"+transaction_m+".jpg height=28 width=28 class=img-circle img-thumbnail/></div><div class=list-text><a href=# class=list-text-name> "+payee+" </a><p>"+payee_num+" <span class=icon-calendar></span> "+transaction_date+" <span class=icon-calendar-empty></span>"+diff_date+"<span class=icon-globe></span> "+localhs+" </p></div><div class=list-controls> "+plan+"</div></div>");
// Display the thumbnails on the page
// A function to add a lightbox effect