用户有一个代理模型,可以访问 whit $user->agency
现在我想在存在关系时检查 accessRule显示我的控制器如果该关系为空显示警报“用户->代理为空创建代理”,然后将用户传递给代理控制器
public function getAgency(){
return $this->hasOne(Agency::className(),['id'=>'agency_id'])
我有这个 accessRule 组件:
namespace common\components;
use common\models\User;
class AccessRule extends \yii\filters\AccessRule {
* @inheritdoc
protected function matchRole($user)
if (empty($this->roles)) {
return true;
foreach ($this->roles as $role) {
if ($role == '?') {
if ($user->getIsGuest()) {
return true;
elseif (!$user->getIsGuest()) {
$userObj = User::findOne(['id'=>$user->getId()]);
if ($role == User::AGENCY_USER) {
if ( $userObj->agency_perm >= User::AGENCY_USER) {
return true;
// Check if the user is logged in, and the roles match
} elseif ($role == User::AGENCY_MODERATOR) {
if ( $userObj->agency_perm >= User::AGENCY_MODERATOR) {
return true;
// Check if the user is logged in, and the roles match
} elseif ($role == User::AGENCY_ADMIN) {
if ($userObj->agency_perm >= User::AGENCY_ADMIN) {
return true;
// Check if the user is logged in, and the roles match
} elseif ($role == User::SUPER_USER) {
if ($userObj->super_user == User::SUPER_USER) {
return true;
// Check if the user is logged in, and the roles match
} elseif (!$user->getIsGuest() && $role == $user->identity->role) {
return true;
return false;
'access' => [
'class' => AccessControl::className(),
// We will override the default rule config with the new AccessRule class
'ruleConfig' => [
'class' => AccessRule::className(),
'rules' => [
'allow' => true,
'roles' => [