I'm using the 0.7 version of bootsfaces to create a simple page, which has something like the following:
<h:form id="some_form">
<ui:repeat id="some_elements" var="property" value="#{someBean.properties}">
<b:commandButton value="ShowProp" ajax="true" actionListener="#{someBean.showProperty(property)}" update=":some_form:some_elements:graphic"/>
<!-- This property is true -->
<ui:fragment rendered="#{someOtherBean.showGraphic}">
<h:graphicImage url="gen_image?id=#{property.id}" id="graphic"/>
Now, the idea is that on clicking the button, a property is updated and the image should be re-generated (in this case a jfreechart graph - but this is besides the point.) I tested this with primefaces commandButton and it works fine (the graph is redrawn..) However with bootsfaces commandButton, nothing happens once the ajax call completes (I can see the call on the server side, but the graph is not reloaded.) I think it's down to how it must reference the image in the repeated block, but now sure what is wrong - has anyone come across this?
(NOTE: reason I don't want to use primefaces is that it does not integrate well with bootstrap)