我刚刚将一个网站从 Server 2003 迁移到 Server 2012,MS Indexing 服务不可用。
在做一些研究时,我发现 MS Search Service 是“替代品”,因此,我将它安装在 Server 2012 上。除此之外,我还没有找到启用所需的 ASP-Classic (VB) 代码新的搜索服务对我的文档进行编目,就像索引服务所做的那样。
MS Search Service 是否具有编目和搜索文档的能力和灵活性,并以与 MS Indexing Service 相同的方式返回结果?
下面是当前调用 MS 索引服务的代码示例(在 Windows 2003 服务器上):
Dim strQuery ' The text of our query
Dim objQuery ' The index server query object
Dim rstResults ' A recordset of results returned from I.S.
Dim objField ' Field object for loop
Dim objUtility
' Retreive the query from the querystring
strQuery = Request.QueryString("CiRestriction")
if strQuery <> "" then
if Request.QueryString("ExactPhrase") = "Yes" then
strQuery = """" & strQuery & """"
end if
end if
' If the query isn't blank them proceed
If strQuery <> "" Then
' Create our index server object
Set objQuery = Server.CreateObject("IXSSO.Query")
' Set its properties
objQuery.Catalog = "Test_Docs" ' Catalog to query
objQuery.MaxRecords = 75 ' Max # of records to return
objQuery.SortBy = "Rank[d], size"
objQuery.Columns = "Characterization, DocTitle, Directory, Filename, Path, Rank, Size, Vpath, Write"
' Build our Query: Hide admin page and FPSE pages
'strQuery = "(" & strQuery & ")" _
' & " AND NOT #filename = *admin*" _
' & " AND NOT #path *\_vti_*"
' Uncomment to only look for files modified last 5 days
'strQuery = strQuery & " AND @write > -5d"
' To set more complex scopes we use the utility object.
' You can call AddScopeToQuery as many times as you need to.
' Shallow includes just files in that folder. Deep includes
' subfolders as well.
Set objUtility = Server.CreateObject("IXSSO.Util")
objUtility.AddScopeToQuery objQuery, "d:\test_shares\test_docs", "deep"
objQuery.Query = strQuery ' Query text
Set rstResults = objQuery.CreateRecordset("nonsequential") ' Get a recordset of our results back from Index Server
' Check for no records
If rstResults.EOF Then
Response.Write "Sorry. No results found."
' Print out # of results
Response.Write "<p><strong>"
Response.Write rstResults.RecordCount
Response.Write "</strong> results found:</p>"
' Loop through results
Do While Not rstResults.EOF
' Loop through Fields
' Pretty is as pretty does... good enough:
KSize= round(KSize/1024,0)%>
<%'test below using PoorMansIsNull function%>
<% If PoorMansIsNull(rstResults.Fields("DocTitle")) Or rstResults.Fields("DocTitle")="" Then %>
<a href="/ams/test_docs<%= PathToVpath(rstResults.Fields("path")) %>" target="_blank"><%= PathToVpath(rstResults.Fields("filename")) %></a>
<% Else %>
<a href="/ams/test_docs<%= PathToVpath(rstResults.Fields("path")) %>" target="_blank"><font size="3"><%= rstResults.Fields("DocTitle") %></font></a>
<% End If %>
<br><%= rstResults.Fields("Characterization") %><br>
<font color="#009900"><%= PathToVpath(rstResults.Fields("path")) %> - <%= KSize %>k<br /></font>
' Move to next result
Response.Write "<pre>"
'Response.Write rstResults.GetString()
Response.Write "</pre>"
End If
' Kill our recordset object
Set rstResults = Nothing
Set objUtility = Nothing
Set objQuery = Nothing
End If
Function PathToVpath(strPath)
Const strWebRoot = "d:\test_shares\test_docs\"
Dim strTemp
strTemp = strPath
strTemp = Replace(strTemp, strWebRoot, "\")
strTemp = Replace(strTemp, "\", "/")
PathToVpath = strTemp
End Function