
我需要在 m4 中开发一些繁重的东西,我很想在我最喜欢的环境中完成它,其中包含所有的花里胡哨。

几乎每个平台都有用于运行 m4 的软件包,例如windows。所以我知道至少我可以创建一个默认项目并从 CLI 进行测试。但我宁愿不:)


4 回答 4


I'm not aware of any specific editing support for m4. However, if you have some time to spare (!) and the BNF for m4, then you could use Xtext (http://wiki.eclipse.org/Xtext) to create a syntax-coloring and -completing editor, with an outline view.

Updated an answer below suggests that m4 doesn't have a BNF, or is not BNeFfable, and certainly a short search of the literature shows no claims that an m4 BNF is available - and it appears, though not explicitly stated, that the m4 language is inexpressible in this way.

Obviously this negates my suggestion, so I must retract it, unless of course Xtext has been extended to deal with such languages. Consult the Xtext website linked above for FAQs and mailing list links.

于 2008-12-03T17:08:43.627 回答

你也可以试试 Eclipse 的 colorer(http://colorer.sourceforge.net/eclipsecolorer/)——它几乎肯定支持 m4 语法(虽然我没有检查)。

于 2009-03-11T04:53:32.173 回答

不幸的是,只是语法着色没有什么帮助——你需要能够解释 m4 的东西,因为除非定义被处理,否则你无法判断它是一个单词还是一个预定义的宏。mc (Midnight Commander) 对 m4 有一些基本的突出显示,你可以看看。

于 2010-08-24T03:48:08.657 回答

如果你熟悉(并且喜欢)vim,你可以试试Eclim,然后为 m4 设置语法高亮。

于 2010-08-03T09:16:27.030 回答