Just installed git extensions. All appeared to go well but if i right click in windows explorer there is no context sensitive menu for GIT as shown in the screenshots via the site. It seems to be missing. I have launched the Git Extensions applications and managed to clone a repository so i know its working but the integration into the shell of windows exploer on windows 7 doesn't seem to be working

Also i instaled the plugin into vs 2010 and sure enough there is a menu called GIT

but all items are disabled apart from Settings and About Git Extensions...

So i can't clone a repository from here as it is disabled...

But the strange thing is if i create a new blank project then the git menu options all become Enabled,.....

Any ideas?

Really stuck on this, if someone can shine a light and give me a helping hand i would be very grateful


2 回答 2


我得到同样的行为。这是设计使然-我猜。只需从开始菜单打开 gitextensions。您可以选择在第一页克隆存储库。

我会避免与 Visual Studio 进行任何类型的源代码控制集成。它使事情变慢了很多。我知道大多数人都习惯于四处游荡。但是,我更喜欢使用 git-bash 并使用别名来获得更高的生产力。我似乎不时使用的唯一 GUI 是带有 --all 选项以可视化历史记录的 Gitk。

另外,请记住每次切换分支时都要关闭 Visual Studio。如果您使用的是 Resharper(每个人都应该...),请确保您的缓存文件存储在临时文件夹中。

于 2010-06-29T22:27:20.923 回答

我知道这听起来微不足道,但您是否确保在安装过程中选择了 Windows Explorer Shell 集成选项?因为我第一次让它工作得很好。对于 Visual Studio integartion,我注意到菜单选项仅在文件打开时出现。

于 2010-12-29T11:28:28.210 回答