
I'm trying to find a module that would display a table of content of a given category and its sub-categories. Precisely:
Category 1
...Sub-cat 1.1
......article 1
......article n
...Sub-cat 1.2
......article 1
Category 2
...Sub-cat 2.1
......article 1


Using a "articles - category" module, I've got something that displays a list the article's titles followed by the name of their categories into parenthesis :-(
*...o article1 (category1)
....o article2 (category1)
*...o article1 (category2)
....o article2 (category2)
(where dots are to be replaced by spaces, * by bullets and o by empty bullets) etc...
It is close to the solution and the indentation (plain and empty bullets) proves that the information is collected.
I'm surely missing something but I don't know what...
Can somebody help me please ?


1 回答 1


@elin:文章 - 类别没有列出 Ralf 所说的文章,我想要它,抱歉。文章 - 类别列出了按照类别层次结构的文章,但类别显示在括号中的文章标题之后。
我所做的是创建一个自定义模块,在其中为我的 3 个类别插入了 3 个 mod_articles_category 的 {loadmodule} 。
这完成了这项工作,因为幸运的是我只有 1 个层次结构级别......另外,是的,拉尔夫,我将不得不使用覆盖 :(

于 2015-07-27T16:51:01.407 回答