I've been meaning to use MailChimp API, and since v3 is out already, I'd like to use it. I see there's a search-members helper like in v2 (https://apidocs.mailchimp.com/api/2.0/helper/search-members.php) and what is the endpoint for it?
3 回答
If you want to get one spesific member by email address you can use this endpoint: Lists Members Instance
Not sure this is what you are looking for, but I was also looking for search-helper just to get one spesific user by email.
"But hey, how it happens, I dont have members id?"
Yes you do, if you have email address of that member you can create the id too. It's just MD5 Hash of lowercased version from that email address.
There is a search-members endpoint now on V3. I believe it was released after the original answer to this question:
In case the link should change in the future it can be found under the main V3 MailChimp API documentation under the Search Members area.
No, searching members in this way isn't supported in API v3.0.