I'm using the Flip Plugin on a new site I'm making:

http://www.concept-it.be/padre (click on contact and then on the e-mail address).

As you can see the background of the div becomes gray after when the flip starts and it stay's like this. I don't mind having it like that when flipping but after the flip I want my backgroundimage back.

I've tried the following:

setting removeAttr on my flipping div after the animation with the option onEnd

setting removeAttr just below the flipping function

setting the content to <div style="background: url("../images/black.png")"></div>

but that doesn't seem to help.

Is there a way to get this done?


2 回答 2


please provide a link to the plugin.

im going to assume that the plugin has a callback function

inside of the callback you could try $('#contactform').removeAttr('background-color').css('background-image', 'url("../images/black.png")');

于 2010-07-06T07:04:52.457 回答

In the mean time the color option has been added.


$('.item-to-flip').click(function() {
于 2013-09-05T20:25:18.103 回答