我有在服务器中打开 Outlook 的 java 代码。但我想在客户端机器上打开 Outlook 并用 HTML 内容填充正文。是否可以使用 javaScript、VbScript 或任何其他技术。

          public static void main(String[] args) {
//  System.setProperty("java.library.path", "/path/to/library");

    Display display = Display.getCurrent();
    Shell shell = new Shell(display);
    OleFrame frame = new OleFrame(shell, SWT.NONE);
    // This should start outlook if it is not running yet
    OleClientSite site = new OleClientSite(frame, SWT.NONE, "OVCtl.OVCtl");
    // now get the outlook application
    OleClientSite site2 = new OleClientSite(frame, SWT.NONE,
    OleAutomation outlook = new OleAutomation(site2);
    OleAutomation mail = invoke(outlook, "CreateItem", 0 /* Mail item */)
    setProperty(mail, "To", "testTo@gmail.com"); /*
                           * Empty but could also be
                           * predefined
    setProperty(mail, "Bcc", "testBcc@gmail.com"); /*
                           * Empty but could also be
                           * predefined
    setProperty(mail, "Cc", "testCc@gmail.com"); /*
     * Empty but could also be
     * predefined
    setProperty(mail, "BodyFormat", 2 /* HTML */);
    setProperty(mail, "Subject", "Top News for you");
    setProperty(mail, "HtmlBody",
        "<html>Hello<p>, please find some infos here.</html>");
    File file = new File("d:/vicky.txt");
    if (file.exists()) {
      OleAutomation attachments = getProperty(mail, "Attachments");
      invoke(attachments, "Add", "d:/vicky.txt");
    } else {
          .openInformation(shell, "Info",
              "Attachment File c:/temp/test.txt not found; will send email with attachment");
    invoke(mail, "Display" /* or "Send" */);


1 回答 1


HTML - Javascript:简单mailto的 htmla标记,请参阅下面的简单标记。

<a href="mailto:name@gmail.com">Click here to mail</a>

单击后,它将打开 Outlook。(实际上它会打开默认的邮件客户端)


示例代码:打开 Outlook 并添加附件。

new ProcessBuilder("C:\\Program Files\\Microsoft Office\\Office14\\OUTLOOK.exe","/a","C:\\Desktop\\stackoverflow.txt").start();

第一个参数 = Outlook 的路径。

第二个参数 = Outlook 附件命令。

第三个参数 = 附件路径。

于 2015-07-14T12:20:32.597 回答