假设我在这里有这个简单的小 Pony ORM 映射。内置的 Enum 类是 Python 3.4 的新内容,并向后移植到 2.7。

from enum import Enum

from pony.orm import Database, Required

class State(Enum):
    ready = 0
    running = 1
    errored = 2

if __name__ == '__main__':
    db = Database('sqlite', ':memory:', create_db=True)

    class StateTable(db.Entity):
        state = Required(State)



TypeError: No database converter found for type <enum 'State'>

这是因为 Pony 不支持映射枚举类型。当然,这里的解决方法是只存储 Enum 值,并在 Class StateTable 中提供一个 getter 以再次将值转换为 Enum。但这是乏味且容易出错的。我也可以只使用另一个 ORM。如果这个问题变得太令人头疼,也许我会。但如果可以的话,我宁愿坚持使用 Pony。


更新:感谢 Ethan 的帮助,我想出了以下解决方案。

from enum import Enum

from pony.orm import Database, Required, db_session
from pony.orm.dbapiprovider import StrConverter

class State(Enum):
    ready = 0
    running = 1
    errored = 2

class EnumConverter(StrConverter):

    def validate(self, val):
        if not isinstance(val, Enum):
            raise ValueError('Must be an Enum.  Got {}'.format(type(val)))
        return val

    def py2sql(self, val):
        return val.name

    def sql2py(self, value):
        # Any enum type can be used, so py_type ensures the correct one is used to create the enum instance
        return self.py_type[value]

if __name__ == '__main__':
    db = Database('sqlite', ':memory:', create_db=True)

    # Register the type converter with the database
    db.provider.converter_classes.append((Enum, EnumConverter))

    class StateTable(db.Entity):
        state = Required(State)


    with db_session:
        s = StateTable(state=State.ready)
        print('Got {} from db'.format(s.state))

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2.2. 转换器方法


class MySpecificConverter(Converter):

    def init(self, kwargs):
        # Override this method to process additional positional
        # and keyword arguments of the attribute

       if self.attr is not None:
            # self.attr.args can be analyzed here
            self.args = self.attr.args

        self.my_optional_argument = kwargs.pop("kwarg_name")
        # You should take all valid options from this kwargs
        # What is left in is regarded as unrecognized option

    def validate(self, val):
        # convert value to the necessary type (e.g. from string)
        # validate all necessary constraints (e.g. min/max bounds)
        return val

    def py2sql(self, val):
        # prepare the value (if necessary) to storing in the database
        return val

    def sql2py(self, value):
        # convert value (if necessary) after the reading from the db
        return val

    def sql_type(self):
        # generate corresponding SQL type, based on attribute options


于 2015-07-14T01:34:40.343 回答