I am trying to import Parse and Bolts frameworks, but the Xcode is unable to build the project. I tried following ways, but nothing seems to work out :

  1. Creating groups, and copying the folder.
  2. Cleaning the project and Deleting the derived data.
  3. Importing the frameworks into the project and create references.

I am using Xcode 7.0 beta (swift 2.0). Screenshot of the same is attached.

enter image description here

Cheers and thanks in advance!![


4 回答 4


I had a similar issue, but I was using cocoapods, as shown in parse.com docs (but they are not yet updated for XCode7 and Swift2). I just added use_frameworks! to my Podfile

source 'https://github.com/CocoaPods/Specs.git'
platform :ios, '8.0'


pod 'Bolts'
pod 'Parse'
于 2015-09-18T20:34:09.623 回答

我遇到了同样的错误,我写了对解析的支持,他们回答我说,当 Xcode 7 退出 beta 版本时,他们会更新 swift 2。

他们回答说:“我们计划在 Swift 2 和 Xcode 7 结束测试版时支持它们。目前,只有一个 Xcode 和 iOS 9 的初始测试版发布,通常在发布 Beta 3 或 4 之前会有很多事情发生变化。我们将密切关注事情并在事情解决后发布。我们正在跟踪围绕 Swift 2 和 Xcode 7 报告的任何问题:请提交错误!https : //parse.com/help#report .

于 2015-07-10T22:40:58.010 回答

我在 XCode 7 beta 6 和 7.1 上遇到了同样的问题

似乎 XCode 不“喜欢”从“相对”位置导入框架(在这种情况下,我是从下载文件夹中导入框架)


于 2015-09-11T03:10:13.900 回答


我刚刚删除了 Parse Frameworks 并添加了带有骑行标题的 Objective-c 框架。现在它起作用了。

于 2015-10-15T13:02:03.370 回答