While trying and playing around with Typhoon DI, I realized that LazySingleton scope is not working as expected meaning lazy properties are injected even before they are used. Being more concrete I created a TyphoonAssembly as follow :

public class AppAssembly : TyphoonAssembly {

    public dynamic func knight() -> AnyObject{

        return TyphoonDefinition.withClass(Knight.self){
            (definition) in

            definition.injectProperty("name", with: "Dragon")


            definition.scope = TyphoonScope.LazySingleton


    public dynamic func horse() -> AnyObject{

        return TyphoonDefinition.withClass(Horse.self){
            (definition) in

            definition.injectProperty("color", with: "red")

            definition.scope = TyphoonScope.LazySingleton


where Knight is NSObject and has validateProperties function

class Knight:NSObject {

    var name:String?
    var horse: Horse?

    func validateProperties(){

        if name != nil{

            println("Name not nil")

        if horse != nil{

            println("Horse not nil")

After activating assembly and getting knight from it, calling validateProperties function always print Name not nil and Horse not nil even these properties are never used in my code. Am I missing something here or simply lazy injection does not work same as Swift lazy stored properties do?


1 回答 1


您对惰性单例一词的解释是有道理的,但它不是正确的。TyphoonScopeLazySingleton意味着 Typhoon 在请求之前不会实例化整个对象。一旦要求所有属性将被注入。没有按需注入的代理——如果你对这样的功能感兴趣,你介意在 Github 上向我们提出问题吗?

你是对的,如果类扩展并且属性是与 Objective-C 兼容的类型,那么这样的特性只能在 Swift 中工作NSObject,因为“纯”Swift 使用 C++ 风格的静态调度,因此运行时方法拦截/代理是不可能的。

这是Typhoon 示波器的用户指南

于 2015-07-10T14:36:00.973 回答