找不到有关如何为 Paint.net 编写文件类型插件的任何信息。我只在http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/7984-filetype-plugin-template-v20/page__p__121651&#entry121651找到了 Visual Studio 模板

和 codeproject 的小描述,但我不了解 OnSave 事件处理程序的所有参数,什么是 PaintDotNet.Surface 以及如何处理存储在那里的数据。


1 回答 1



首先添加对 PaintDotnet.Base、PaintDotNet.Core 和 PaintDotNet.Data 的引用。

接下来,您需要一个继承自 FileType 类的类:


public class SampleFileType : FileType
    public SampleFileType() : base ("Sample file type", FileTypeFlags.SupportsSaving |
                                new string[] { ".sample" })


    protected override void OnSave(Document input, System.IO.Stream output, SaveConfigToken token, Surface scratchSurface, ProgressEventHandler callback)
        //Here you get the image from Paint.NET and you'll have to convert it
        //and write the resulting bytes to the output stream (this will save it to the specified file)

        using (RenderArgs ra = new RenderArgs(new Surface(input.Size)))
            //You must call this to prepare the bitmap

            //Now you can access the bitmap and perform some logic on it
            //In this case I'm converting the bitmap to something else (byte[])
            var sampleData = ConvertBitmapToSampleFormat(ra.Bitmap);

            output.Write(sampleData, 0, sampleData.Length);                

    protected override Document OnLoad(System.IO.Stream input)
        //Input is the binary data from the file
        //What you need to do here is convert that date to a valid instance of System.Drawing.Bitmap
        //In the end you need to return it by Document.FromImage(bitmap)

        //The ConvertFromFileToBitmap, just like the ConvertBitmapSampleFormat,
        //is simply a function which takes the binary data and converts it to a valid instance of System.Drawing.Bitmap
        //You will have to define a function like this which does whatever you want to the data

        using(var bitmap = ConvertFromFileToBitmap(input))
            return Document.FromImage(bitmap);

因此,您从 FileType 继承。在构造函数中,您指定支持哪些操作(加载/保存)以及应注册哪些文件扩展名。然后为保存和加载操作提供逻辑。


最后,您必须告诉 Pain.Net 您要加载哪些 FileType 类,在本例中为单个实例,但您可以在单个库中拥有多个。

public class SampleFileTypeFactory : IFileTypeFactory
    public FileType[] GetFileTypeInstances()
        return new FileType[] { new SampleFileType() };


于 2010-06-29T13:41:54.657 回答