对于需要以 Geohash 形式存储人的地理位置的应用程序,多少哈希长度(以字符为单位)就足够了?
#define MAX_HASH_LENGTH 22
对于需要以 Geohash 形式存储人的地理位置的应用程序,多少哈希长度(以字符为单位)就足够了?
#define MAX_HASH_LENGTH 22
If you are looking at something like building or house locations (associated with a person) you could go as small as geohash of length 8.
A geohash with a string value of 8 characters gets you to within +/- 20 meters of a location, a geohash of 9 characters gets you with +/- 5 meters. See a full list of information on geohash lengths on wikipedia