应该是指向您的方法的任何 URL buy_my_item
。以下是我在 IRL 工作的一些例子。请注意,我使用 PayPal 的“useraction=commit”选项来减少他们快速结帐中的步骤数。
在您的 urls.py 中:
url(r'^pay-now/', views.pay_now, name='pay_now'),
url(r'^purchase-thanks/$', views.purchase_thanks, name='pay_success'),
url(r'^purchase-cancelled/$', views.purchase_thanks, name='pay_cancel'),
""" User payment method endpoint for rendering and processing forms. """
def pay_now( request ):
# Override django-paypal library endpoints to include 'useraction=commit'
# which changed PayPal's review page to be a 'pay now' page.
# This is ugly but I didn't want to subclass.
from paypal.pro import views as pro_views
pro_views.EXPRESS_ENDPOINT = "https://www.paypal.com/webscr?cmd=_express-checkout&useraction=commit&%s"
pro_views.SANDBOX_EXPRESS_ENDPOINT = "https://www.sandbox.paypal.com/webscr?cmd=_express-checkout&useraction=commit&%s"
# ...because we use 'useraction=commit', there's no need to show the confirm page.
# So let's change the request to show the confirmation form into a request to
# approve it. It just so happens that the arguments are the same -- the difference
# is between the GET and the POST.
# <input type="hidden" name="token" value="EC-485941126E653491T" id="id_token"/>
# <input type="hidden" name="PayerID" value="78W69D3FEVWJBC" id="id_PayerID"/>
if request.method == 'GET' and 'token' in request.GET and 'PayerID' in request.GET:
request.method = 'POST'
request.POST = request.GET # Crudely convert GET to POST
item = {
'amt': 99.99, # Amount to charge for item
'currencycode': 'usd',
#'inv': 1, # Unique tracking variable paypal - must be a number.
#'desc': 'Your product name', # Deprecated by PayPal, don't bother
# (you'll get the name twice in your statement otherwise)
'custom': 'custom1', # Custom tracking variable for you. Realistically you have to pass
# this if you're specifying basket contents to PayPal as django-paypal
# won't be given `item_name` in the IPN, only `item_name1` etc.
# which it cannot interpret.
'cancelurl': 'http://%s%s' % DYNAMIC_URL, reverse('pay_cancel')), # Express checkout cancel url
'returnurl': 'http://%s%s' % (DYNAMIC_URL, reverse('pay_now')), # Express checkout return url
'allownote': 0, # Disable "special instructions for seller"
'l_name0': 'Your product name',
#'l_number0': 1234,
#'l_desc0': 'longer description',
'l_amt0': 99.99,
'l_qty0': 1,
'itemamt': 99.99,
#'taxamt': 0.00,
#'shippingamt': 0.00,
#'handlingamt': 0.00,
#'shipdiscamt': 0.00,
#'insuranceamt': 0.00,
kw = {
'item': item,
'payment_template': 'cms/register.html', # Template name for payment
'confirm_template': 'cms/paypal-confirmation.html', # Template name for confirmation
'success_url': reverse('pay_success'), # Ultimate return URL
ppp = PayPalPro(**kw)
return ppp(request)
您可能还有很多其他问题,例如“当我进入付款确认页面时,我如何区分 EC 付款和 WPP 付款?”,但我会一直保存到有人问到!django-paypal还不错,但是让它工作起来可能会非常令人沮丧,特别是当你想将额外的值传递给你的模板时,并且文档(即使在我见过的 fork 上)也不是很好。
请注意,此示例指的是 HTTP 而不是 HTTPS URL。在生产中,使用 WPP,您几乎肯定会想要使用 HTTPS。此外,该产品的主要发行版已过时,您需要修补 IPN 端点@csrf_exempt