我正在尝试使用软件定义的无线电概念。从这篇文章中,我尝试实现 GPU 并行离散傅里叶变换。
我很确定我可以预先计算 90 度的 sin(i) cos(i),然后翻转并重复,而不是我在这段代码中所做的那样,这会加快速度。但到目前为止,我什至认为我没有得到正确的答案。如我所料,全零输入给出 0 结果,但所有 0.5 作为输入给出 78.9985886f(在这种情况下我也希望得到 0 结果)。基本上,我只是普遍感到困惑。我没有任何好的输入数据,我不知道如何处理结果或如何验证它。
open Microsoft.ParallelArrays
open System
// X64MulticoreTarget is faster on my machine, unexpectedly
let target = new DX9Target() // new X64MulticoreTarget()
ignore(target.ToArray1D(new FloatParallelArray([| 0.0f |]))) // Dummy operation to warm up the GPU
let stopwatch = new System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch() // For benchmarking
let Hz = 50.0f
let fStep = (2.0f * float32(Math.PI)) / Hz
let shift = 0.0f // offset, once we have to adjust for the last batch of samples of a stream
// If I knew that the periodic function is periodic
// at whole-number intervals, I think I could keep
// shift within a smaller range to support streams
// without overflowing shift - but I haven't
// figured that out
//let elements = 8192 // maximum for a 1D array - makes sense as 2^13
//let elements = 7240 // maximum on my machine for a 2D array, but why?
let elements = 7240
// need good data!!
let buffer : float32[,] = Array2D.init<float32> elements elements (fun i j -> 0.5f) //(float32(i * elements) + float32(j)))
let input = new FloatParallelArray(buffer)
let seqN : float32[,] = Array2D.init<float32> elements elements (fun i j -> (float32(i * elements) + float32(j)))
let steps = new FloatParallelArray(seqN)
let shiftedSteps = ParallelArrays.Add(shift, steps)
let increments = ParallelArrays.Multiply(fStep, steps)
let cos_i = ParallelArrays.Cos(increments) // Real component series
let sin_i = ParallelArrays.Sin(increments) // Imaginary component series
// From the documentation, I think ParallelArrays.Multiply does standard element by
// element multiplication, not matrix multiplication
// Then we sum each element for each complex component (I don't understand the relationship
// of this, or the importance of the generalization to complex numbers)
let real = target.ToArray1D(ParallelArrays.Sum(ParallelArrays.Multiply(input, cos_i))).[0]
let imag = target.ToArray1D(ParallelArrays.Sum(ParallelArrays.Multiply(input, sin_i))).[0]
printf "%A in " ((real * real) + (imag * imag)) // sum the squares for the presence of the frequency
printfn "%A" stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds